Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope



While Jessie and I were sitting in the coffee shop a couple weeks ago, I received a phone call and proceeded to talk with the person on the line.  Though engrossed in my conversation, I was keeping one eye on Jessie while she played nearby. After several minutes on the phone, I hung up and

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Thank You!

Thank You!

Dear family and friends, Wow!  We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the responses we have gotten for the Walk for the Cure and the T-shirt fundraiser.  Because of the number of people who are registered to walk with our family on Oct. 4th, pledges of support, and T-shirt purchases, we have already raised over $1100

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Bag of Cement

Bag of Cement

The relational dynamics in grief are very challenging and I am discovering they are actually getting harder with the progression of time.  With each passing minute it feels as though the unstated expectation from others for me to be doing better grows stronger, but my “healing” is not progressing at that same rate.  Hence, I

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Floating Confetti

Floating Confetti

Jessie and I have been frequenting the local Butterfly House at the Environmental Nature Center in our city.  I find myself mesmerized by these little creatures.  It is hard to believe they were once creepy crawly caterpillars, yet now they flutter effortlessly through the sky with grace and serenity.  Their delicate, colorful wings allowing them

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No Turning Back

As we’ve walked this journey of loss and grief, a few quotes from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy have resonated.  I’ve found myself repeating the one from the clip below a great deal recently.  My sense is that it will resonate with others, too. At the end of Return of the King, and some

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What do you do when life lacks momentum?  How do you function when it feels like there is nothing to propel you forward? I’m struggling with inertia—immobilized by my pain.  It’s as though I’m a stalled car. How do I get a jumpstart?  

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Perfect Beauty

Perfect Beauty

While sitting in our living room writing this evening, I paused for thought, glancing upward from my fixed view of the computer screen, and discovered the moon peering down at me through our window.  Full. Round. Bright. Beautiful! Transfixed by its splendor, I quickly went outside to soak in the glory of this magnificent natural

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Walk for a Cure

Walk for a Cure

Dear family and friends, The Stennis Foundation (www.stennisfoundation.org) is an organization that is committed to finding a cure for leukodystrophies.  They will be doing a “Walk for a Cure” on Saturday, October 4 in Laguna Niguel in honor of some people in CA who have recently been afflicted by a leukodystrophy; Jud will be one

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