While Jessie and I were sitting in the coffee shop a couple weeks ago, I received a phone call and proceeded to talk with the person on the line. Though engrossed in my conversation, I was keeping one eye on Jessie while she played nearby.
After several minutes on the phone, I hung up and went back to giving my full attention to Jessie Girl. A few minutes later, a gentleman who appeared to be in his forties struck up a conversation with me.
“Did you go to Disneyland recently?” he inquired.
I gave him a strange look because his question struck me as odd.
“Did you happen to see the parade?” he asked before I could answer the first question.
“Yes.” I affirmed with a perplexed and tentative tone, not quite sure where this conversation was headed.
“Did Mickey wave at you? And did you see Minnie and Pluto too?” he continued his query as if he already knew the answers.
Then it dawned on me. “Oh, were you there that day?” I responded. Though after asking the question it seemed odd that a stranger would he have noticed us at Disneyland and then remembered us the next week at Starbucks.
“No,” he chuckled.
Now I was really confused.
“While you were on the phone, your daughter told me all about your trip to Disneyland. Then when I asked her age, she told me she was ‘two’. She’s not really two is she?”
Now I was the one chuckling. “Actually she just turned two last week and the trip to Disneyland was for her birthday,” I replied with a pride I was unable to contain.
“Wow! You should be very proud!” he concluded.
Our little “buggy” is proving to be quite the conversationalist. And yes, we are very proud!
***Side Note: Jessie was not wearing her “Minnie Dress” when this conversation occurred.***

What a GREAT story! 🙂 Thanks for sharing it, Christina! I loved reading it and I’m smiling right now. You guys SHOULD be very proud of your Jessie-Girl. She is precious and very much loved…by MANY.
crying in a coffee shop in Leiden right now because Jessie looks so cute in her Minnie dress and I miss her so much….please tell her I think of her so much and love her so much!
ps…looks like this dress will have plenty of room to be grown into!!!