Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Pricked My Heart

Pricked My Heart

Several circumstances have hit me hard today. A beautiful little 13-month-old baby girl named Zoe (click on her name to read more), who is afflicted with Krabbe disease, was yesterday given just days if only hours to live. This morning I hugged a friend whose face dripped with tears as we watched a couple strange

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Cast Yourself

Cast Yourself

“Cast thyself on Him, and perseveringly depend even where thou cannot rejoicingly hope.”-Charles Spurgeon I read this quote in one of Spurgeon’s books the other day and felt like it was screaming at me, as though it is an exhortation written just for my heart in this season.  Every word is an apropos challenge for

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Though I cannot remember who, I heard someone recently say, “If you lose your parents, you lose your past.  If you lose your spouse, you lose your present.  But if you lose a child, you lose your future.” Boy, this resonated with me!  Though I have not lost either of my dear parents, or my

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For so many months Judson’s death felt surreal.  The questions I would regularly ask myself were, “What just happened?  Where is my son?” leading to, “I want my boy back!!!!” But recently, it has started to sink in that he is actually gone—truly gone.  I’ve discovered that the prevalent questions have shifted.  Now I am

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Judson in the UK!!!

Judson in the UK!!!

Dear family and friends, Some exciting things have been happening with Judson’s story, without any efforts of our own…and, believe or not, it’s all taking place in the United Kingdom!!  It began with an article in the UK about a little boy named Jack MacPherson who died of Krabbe in April of this year.  The

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Blue Regal Tang

Blue Regal Tang

There is an aquarium at our local Rubio’s Baja Grill where a certain Blue Regal Tang fish (the species of “Dori” in the movie “Finding Nemo”) swims the same pattern again and again in the tank.  It is fascinating to watch as it circles a certain plant, around and around, rarely stopping to do anything

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11 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends, As of today, we are one month from the anniversary of Judson’s death.  It is hard to believe he has been gone 11 months.  It is hard to experience the memories of what we were going through at this time last year.  It is hard to carry on in life while

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Keeping Score

Keeping Score

It is not uncommon to hear our grief counselor remind us that our bodies “keep score” in a tragedy like ours.  But frankly, I don’t need the reminder.  I feel it in my body every day. It has been so apparent that Judson’s suffering and death have taken a significant toll on my body—in numerous

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