Dear family and friends,
Some exciting things have been happening with Judson’s story, without any efforts of our own…and, believe or not, it’s all taking place in the United Kingdom!!
It began with an article in the UK about a little boy named Jack MacPherson who died of Krabbe in April of this year. The article listed a link for more information. A woman named Mel Moon, a comedienne in the UK, read the article and wanted to find out more about Krabbe so she went to the link and actually discovered footage of Judson. This compelled her to go to his website, watch more videos, and read his story.
Here are her words describing the experience:
“I saw Judson and just cracked. I’d never seen anything so moving in all my life so I went to bed wondering what I could do. The next day I approached a few members of the comedy circuit to see if they would help me with an event. Initially I thought I’d just use a normal gig to raise money, but when these others were so affected too, I figured we could do something bigger.”
And BIG it is!
Mel has rapidly moved forward in the planning of a high-profile comedic charity event in the UK that will take place on March, 20, 2009 to honor residents of the region who have been affected by Krabbe, increase awareness of the disease, raise funds for Newborn Screening in their country, and prominently share the stories of “Two Little Boys”—Jack MacPherson and our beloved Jud.
Here are more of Mel’s thoughts:
“The event will focus on the UK, with the only exception to the rule being Judson; he will be a huge part of the event. The reason for this is, aside from him spurring me on, I can honestly say he will forever and ever be etched in my heart as someone that taught me life is far more than how many gigs you can do a week or how many stars you get in a review. Life is about doing what you can to make a difference…Let’s hope that someday you can get over here with your family and see for yourself what your son started here in the UK; somewhere he never even got to visit but will live on with every event I organize—I promise you that!”
And this is turning out to be quite an event!
The headlining acts for the event are well-known comics Jason Manford who is a star of the popular TV show “8 out of 10 cats” in the UK, and beloved comic Mark Rough. It will be a 550 person event at the Burnley Football Club with a 2 course meal and a huge cake displaying Jack and Judson’s faces on the top tier. The evening will include a comedy set followed by an auction, a band, and then video footage of Jack and Jud prior to the release of balloons lasered with the names of UK residents who have been affected by Krabbe disease (Judson will be included too).
We are absolutely blown away by all of this. It is an incredible blessing to see Judson’s story have this type of impact, and Mel’s efforts remind me how one person’s passions can make a HUGE difference. We are just so thankful for our new relationship with Mel Moon and the people in the United Kingdom who are supporting this cause.
A website will soon be launched with more information about all that Mel Moon and others on the UK comedy circuit are doing for the cause of Krabbe. We will keep you posted as to when it is up and running.
Extremely blessed and honored to see Jud’s story alive and active,
Christina (on behalf of Drake too)

Oh my goodness! This is so so so exciting!
Jud and his family has touched all of our lives sososo much.
Even in heaven, Judson is continuing to make this world a better place!
All my love,
Sarah (Sabrina’s friend)
AHHH! Tears to my eyes….how AWESOME our God is and how wonderful are the ways in which He works! Just AWESOME!!!!!
What a nice surprise. What a cool way to raise awareness about leukodystrophy diseases like Krabbe. This is one more milestone in what is Judson’s legacy.
Maybe you guys need to go to the UK to be there.
Way cool!
XX, Barbara
WOW!! Just think how many more people will have the opportunity to be touched by Jud’s life. This could lead to many lives being spared from Krabbe… possibly even more souls saved for eternity.
This is great news!!
Absolutely incredible news! I am sitting here speechless…… in awe of the ways God is using Judson’s little life to make a huge impact across the world, one heart and life at a time.
How lovely of you to give this a mention Christina.
I promise all you feel is recipricated and we want to thank you for allowing us into your life at what must be a horrendous time.
We are thrilled that you are allowing us to ‘borrow’ Judson here in the UK and for all the fine things your little boy is helping us achieve.
Every day you, as a family amaze me.
With love as always
Mel, Dave, Reece and everyone at TWO LITTLE BOYS. xx
wow! drake and christina! this is really exciting and incredible news. will you be able to make the trip over for this event…? that would be so great if you could…i’m going to pray in that vain. love you both.
Hiya guys,
May i just say, I’m sorry about your loss
Hiya guys,
Firstly, may i just say that i’m sorry for your loss. I really admire
Wow, I’m stunned and so grateful with you! May the Lord reign his blessing on this event and the planners. May he not only help the awareness be raised about this wretched disease, but may His light be shone in the eyes, smiles and presence of Jud’s pictures! Definitely keep us posted of all this!
Wow Christina! This is such wonderful news!
How wonderful! I followed Wee Jack’s CaringBridge closely (and you know I follow Jud’s story!) and know those two bright boys are smiling down and saying "Yay!" as more and more people become aware of this dreadful disease and support research to end it. Christina, thank you for sharing this exciting news. We keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers daily. Blessings!
I don’t think you have picked up on this but who this event is for is a new charity run by Pat, yes my Pat. She is working to promote New Born Screening in the UK.
I will be speaking at this event. We are very excited about it. What a great way to honour two very special little boys.
Ken. XX
This is SO powerful! What incredible news!!
This does not surprise me at all. I stumbed across videos of Judson after a friend of mine lost her niece to the disease at Christmastime this past year. Jud was an amazing boy, his spirit just grabs you and doesn’t let go! I have a little boy his age and the videos hit me like a tons of bricks. I think of him and your family very often. I too will be forever changed by him. Congratulations on this great honor! Sweet Judson is on my mind often, I squeeze my guy a little tighter everytime I think of him. Thank you for that. Hugs to Jesse.
I have just read your recent blog- I am from the UK myself and also found judsons story after watching the youtube video on little jack and following your link. Both Jack and Judson’s stories are truly heartbreaking and I feel that both families are doing their beautiful sons proud and succeeding hugely in your missions to raise awareness of krabbe disease.
It is wonderful that some good can come from such sadness, keep up the good work- it is clear that you are reaching a number of people worldwide and having an amazing impact!
Victoria x
This is so incredible. It is amazing to see how far the Judson’s life is reaching!
I was absolutely touched by Jud’s story, and cannot even imagine the pain his dear parents and family have gone through.
I live near Burnley and will almost certainly going along to the event.
Thank you for sharing your adorable son’s short life with us.