Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Total Loss

Total Loss

What do you do on the day that commemorates the death of your child?  What do you do on the anniversary for when your son breathed his last breath? This day is quickly drawing near, and I am at a total loss.  Of course, we’ll go to the gravesite, we’ll tie ribbons around Judson’s tree

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Every Strand

Every Strand

Judson was 28 months old when we took him to “Cool Cuts” to get his first haircut.  It was one of those circumstances where you’re not quite sure how your child is going to respond to the new experience, but when Jud was offered the choice between sitting in a race car or fire truck

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There is an area in our home that has remained almost completely untouched since last November.  Because Jud and Jessie shared a room, after Judson’s death I didn’t have the option to leave it “as is” – almost immediately I had to make adjustments for Jessie and put things back in their appropriate place because

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In Transition

In Transition

When Jessie was born into our family it felt like the culmination of so much transition that had been occurring in our lives and I was ready to feel settled.  Recognizing that caring for a new baby was also a significant transition, I recall telling myself and a few others that when Jessie was about

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Drop by Drop

Drop by Drop

If all the tears that have been cried over my Jud Bud were pooled together to create a body of water, I wonder how large it would be.  Would the numerous tears fill a bathtub?  Would they fill a pool or pond?  Could they possibly fill a lake large enough for me to swim? I

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Khaki Sack

Khaki Sack

The last few days of Judson’s life he spent in our bean bag chair placed near the door in his room.  It had been a piece of furniture privileged to experience the laughter, smiles, and playfulness of our little boy as he would jump, climb, sit, roll, and sing cushioned in its comfort like an

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Grief in Adolesence

Grief in Adolesence

Who would have ever thought we would be acquiring a stack of books that address the issues of grieving children?!!??  But the time has come for us to deal specifically with Jessie’s loss of a brother.  We are being more proactive now about getting answers to some of our questions…How does a 2 year old

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Jessie-isms: 2nd Installment

Jessie-isms: 2nd Installment

Here are some recent fun Jessie-isms: 1)  While were were driving at night in our car Jessie declared, “Look!  There’s the moon.  It’s going with me!” 2)  After a nice nap, while playing in her crib, I heard Jessie holler, “Christina, come get me!” 3)  Sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, Jessie expressed to

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