Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Clogged Sink Epiphany

Clogged Sink Epiphany

Every morning I wake up and find myself saying, “This is it!  This is my life now!”  It is a reoccurring realization that leaves a sobering mark on each of my days as I continue to learn how to live without my “Buddy Boo”. This morning was no different.  I woke up with the same

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Little Jabs

Little Jabs

Many challenges in life can be like little jabs to the chest that may hurt and even send us staggering for a moment, but we recognize them as bearable, pull ourselves together, and manage life accordingly.  However, when one feels like they’ve already been knocked out with a gaping chest wound, those little jabs can

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The Mound

The Mound

My son was buried a year ago today, November 13th. There are four heinous moments in my life: the day we discovered that Judson had an incurable, terminal disease, the final hours of his life, the experience of Drake carrying his lifeless body wrapped in a Lightening McQueen sheet out to the mortuary vehicle, and

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Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

At this time last year, I was sitting in the front row of the memorial service for my beloved boy, his small casket just feet in front of me adorned with flowers and surrounded by some of his special toys.  Hundreds upon hundreds of people had gathered to memorialize our sweet Judson and were seated

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Dear family and friends, Many people have asked us how we spent our time remembering Jud on the first anniversary of his death. The day began with tears , was filled with tears, and ended in tears, but there were sweet times in between. We gathered with extended family in the morning at Judson’s tree

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First Bud to See Jud

First Bud to See Jud

I had the honor of holding the shoulder of our sweet friend John while he took his last breaths here on earth this afternoon. It was a little over a year ago when we first met John and his wife Wendy at our church’s couples retreat.  After exchanging introductions and smiles over Bunco, the next

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A poem I’ve written in honor of the 1st anniversary of the homegoing of my sweet Judson: My sweet, sweet little child, A year ago you breathed your last. Ever still I miss your smile And long for moments past. Plunged into depths of sorrow When you vanished from this place, I’ve endured each new

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One Year without Jud

Dear family and friends, We face this day with the realization that our boy has been gone a year – a whole year.  It absolutely blows our minds that today marks the first anniversary since we ushered Judson into the arms of Jesus.  An entire year has passed?!!?!  How is that possible? It feels as

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