Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Dynamic Soul

Dynamic Soul

From rest, to intense sorrow, to great joy…it is amazing how the human spirit can handle so much, shifting emotions rapidly within a very short period of time. While visiting my folks, I took a nice nap yesterday afternoon and enjoyed a pleasant time of reading and relaxation. As I emerged from my long snooze,

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White Fluffy Fizz

White Fluffy Fizz

My parents have a huge jacuzzi tub, so last night Jessie Girl had her first major bubble bath.  She wore an ear-to-ear grin as she covered herself in white fluffy fizz.  Because Jess was having such a great time, she hesitated getting out of the bath…her prune-like fingers indicative of a long time spent bouncing

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13 Months without Jud

13 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends, We are a month into our second year of living life without our Jud Bud and also well into the Christmas season.  The deep, ever-present ache over losing our little man continues to be the most prominent emotion in our hearts, but we are becoming more adept at living with it. 

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Though I don’t even know the title, there is a song I periodically hear on the radio when I’m tuned in to the local Christian music station.  Interestingly, every time I sing along with the lyrics, at one point in the song, although not the actual words, I find myself singing, “Your faith is enough!” 

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Table Talk with Jessie

Due to my fear-stricken heart, I decide to take some extra time to delight in Jessie Girl today.  I video taped our dinner together (Drake was teaching a Bible Study for the young adults at our church), and compiled a video.  Hope you enjoy watching my little Ladybug! You might want to make sure your

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Fear-Stricken Heart

Fear-Stricken Heart

I freaked out this morning in a severe and irrational manner.  I have never been much of a worrier nor a very anxious person, but my fears have been in full force today. The other day we were in Starbucks and Jessie tripped and fell three times—one time banging her nose on the edge of

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The Rip Tide

The Rip Tide

Frequently in my writings I allude to the idea that grief is like an ocean; in the last few days, this metaphor has struck me as particularly insightful into my experience. When Judson died, it was as if I was dropped into an ocean, an ocean of grief.  For quite some time, I did not

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While digging through our craft box to find the finger paints for Jessie yesterday, we discovered two pieces of art that had escaped our attention for well over a year… the artist… Judson Levasheff. Drake and I both paused with reverence as if we had just stumbled upon an original masterpiece by Michelangelo, Rembrandt, or

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