Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Fourth Birthday

Fourth Birthday

Dear Judson, Happy Fourth Birthday! I’d love to take you out for coffee today.  We could go to Peet’s.  Instead of sharing my drink with you, I’d get you your own.  And it would be a nice, sweet, Happy Birthday hot cocoa.  By the end, I’m sure you’d have chocolate all over your mouth-you are,

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4 Years Old

4 Years Old

Dear Judson, Ever since you died, my life feels like it moves at a pace and rhythm far different than the rest of the world.  This is especially evident today.  As the commotion and hustling bustling for Christmas swishes by me, my world comes to a screeching halt as we commemorate your birthday. I gave

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I would describe myself as an emotional wreck the last couple weeks.  I feel as though this gnawing sorrow is causing me to fray, like a rope that is falling apart, my grief has worn me thin.  My edges are ragged and any little thing can cause my emotions to give way. My soul is

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Gift of Peace

Gift of Peace

As Christmas gifts in 2001, just months after the US was reeling from the attacks of 9/11, Drake and I made a compilation of instrumental Christmas music to give to friends and family.  We called it “A Peaceful Christmas” and streaming across the front cover were quotes about peace and comfort at a time when

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Mini Me

Mini Me

As Jessie is growing in character and personality, it is not unusual for us to note that our Ladybug is becoming my little “mini me”.  Jessie appears to have many qualities that reflect those of her mother; the well worn phrase, “the chickens are coming home to roost,” is certainly true in this case. But

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I watched the season finale of the show Survivor last night and one of the women, “Sugar” as they called her, had lost her father 6-7 months prior to the taping of the show.  Throughout the season it was not uncommon to see her crying, sometimes many times a day, for what appeared to be

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Old Saint Nick

Old Saint Nick

Last year when Jessie went to visit Santa she started bawling immediately and did everything she could to try and wiggle out of his arms.  By the time I had captured a couple photos, her shoe had fallen off and one might have thought she’d been scarred for a lifetime, never to appreciate another Santa

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What’s in a Name?

What's in a Name?

Judson is an extremely uncommon name.  If you were to look at any list for the top 1000 boys’ names in the United States, there will be no record of the name Judson. So how did we choose the name?  It actually wasn’t because of some deep, meaningful connection.  It simply came to mind randomly

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