Judson's Legacy

Old Saint Nick

Last year when Jessie went to visit Santa she started bawling immediately and did everything she could to try and wiggle out of his arms.  By the time I had captured a couple photos, her shoe had fallen off and one might have thought she’d been scarred for a lifetime, never to appreciate another Santa encounter again.

But what a difference a year makes.

Jessie practically ran up to Santa this year and when the jolly old fellow picked her up and put her in his lap, she was thrilled to find herself in his company.

She started chatting with him, pointing out things for him to look at, and even posed with her cheesy grin for a picture.

It made for a very fun Santa experience, not to mention her delight riding the carousel, doing a Christmas craft at the mall, and then going to the playground afterward.

I’m just so grateful for the opportunity to experience Christmas through the eyes of my Jessie Girl!

5 Responses to "Old Saint Nick"

  1. Jean and Gary Butler says:

    Oh Christina~Those are the greatest pictures!!!! They took me back to a memory when my Dawn(who is a wife; mother; and 3rd grade school teacher now) sat on Santa’s lap for the first time.I remember her too sitting on Santa’s lap and screaming her little lungs out.Thank you for reminding of one of my sweetest "mom" memories ever!!!!!
    Love and hugs~
    Jean and Gary

  2. Sarah Hegenbart says:

    She has her Auntie Sarah’s love of Christmas! Yippee!

  3. 47913 says:

    What great pictures of Jessie and Santa. They made me smile!

  4. Sandy Mitchell says:

    Jessie is too sweet!! What a beautiful face she has! Just what I needed for some Christmas cheer! You can’t look at her smile and not get one of your own~

    Lots of love!

  5. hh says:

    I love all the photos you posted of Jessie, but especially the one on the swing…..she is such a little cutie! 🙂

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