Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Used To

Used To

I used to kiss the soft, young lips of my boy.  Now I kiss the flat paper image of his smile. I used to hug the youthful vibrant body of my boy.  Now I hug an 11×16 frame that displays his face. My tears used to drip onto the supple spotless skin of my boy

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Golden Anniversary

Golden Anniversary

Today, January 13th, marks 13 years since Drake and I got married.  I’ve heard this is called the “Golden Anniversary” when the number of years we’ve been married corresponds to the day of the month we tied the knot. So in honor of our “Golden Anniversary” I am posting my personal letter that I read

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“Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something on the wheel.  But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make.” – Jeremiah 18:3,4 NASB I have been

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Yesterday morning, as I was going in for surgery and general anesthesia for the first time, all I could think about were the two times that Jud had to be put under for his MRIs.  I remembered our fears and anguish as they wheeled him into the imaging unit.  Then recalled lying next to him

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Publishing Contract

Publishing Contract

Dear family and friends, Today, 14 months since Judson’s life in heaven began, we have very exciting news to share! On January 1st I signed a contract with Tate, a small Christian publisher to have Judson’s story published.  As of today, the working title is “Eyes that See: The Story of Judson”.  It is a

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14 Months Without Jud

Dear family and friends, Today marks 14 months since Judson opened his eyes and could see the loving face of his Savior.  It also places us at the start of a new year. As was to be expected, the Christmas season was very difficult, though there were certainly moments of genuine joy.  We found ourselves

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Leaving it Barren

Leaving it Barren

Generally speaking, the gardeners at Judson’s memorial park clear away all flowers and any other gifts left at a gravesite every Wednesday morning.  However, there are certain times throughout the year when they allow loved ones to leave things for an extended period of time. I feel fortunate that Judson’s birthday falls during a period

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