Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Missing Kiddos

Missing Kiddos

We were asked many times before we left on this vacation to England for 10 days if it would be hard to be away from Jessie for so long. Of course I miss my Ladybug!  But part of my everyday life includes missing one of my children terribly.  I experience the gnawing ache of separation

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Passport my Attitude

Passport my Attitude

After eight hours spanning over two days at the Federal building, 5 hours in the car, and several mishaps along the way, I finally received my passport last Thursday for our trip to England (see Levasheff Updates).  Mind you, Drake had applied for his passport the same day as me in February and received it

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When we had a special tree planted in honor of Judson at the park outside our home, it did not take long for it to lose its leaves for winter, even though it was planted in the summer.  Not knowing much about trees and because its cycle seemed off season, I began to get concerned

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16 Months Without Jud

16 Months Without Jud

Dear family and friends, We have lived 16 difficult months now without Judson, and every month we are profoundly aware that these months will likely turn into years and possibly even decades.  This is such a sobering reality as our unmet longing for our son does not diminish with time, despite the constant changes in

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Empty Seat

Empty Seat

Drake had the day off yesterday so we decided it was a great opportunity to take advantage of our annual passes that were gifted to us by several friends and head to Disney’s California Adventure as a family…a family minus one. We had a wonderful time exploring the park and enjoying various attractions, but each

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Cries at Night

Cries at Night

There have been a couple times recently when Jessie has uncommonly been crying out in the middle of the night.  She appears to be half asleep, but she is talking in between cries. “I miss Juddy!” “I want Juddy!” “I love Juddy!” I hear her repeat these phrases over and over.  And then she will

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There are certain people with whom you meet who have the ability to touch your life in just a few short moments with only a few words.  I had the privilege of interacting with one such individual recently. A gentleman that has regularly been coming into “our” Starbucks the last couple weeks had caught my

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Season of Lent

Season of Lent

As today commences the 40 day season of lent leading to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am challenged to consider my own mortality and desperate need for forgiveness from the gunk in my soul. Reflections from Psalm 51 I am… A sinner. Stained. Guilty. Rebellious. Haunted. Evil. Broken. Disobedient. God is… Merciful.

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