Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

My Plate

Each of us is given a “plate” in life, so to speak.  I am discovering that my Father is not as concerned about what is on my plate as much as how I handle what is on my plate and how it can help me grow into the person He wants me to be- He

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Missing You

Missing You

    Dear Judson, It’s been five months since you left us, and I still can’t get used to living without you. Life has its joys.  I love your mom.  I treasure your sister.  But my heart has made permanent room for three people in this world.  You’ve left a terrible hole that cannot be

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5 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends, Today marks another anniversary since Jud’s death. I might have thought after 5 months that a little of the pain would begin to abate, but it just seems to morph into different forms of deep, heavy grief. However, we experienced a reprieve on our trip to Kauai. We cannot express enough

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Many Loses

I am becoming more and more aware that there are many major losses, besides just the death of my child, that need to be appropriately grieved through this process of losing Judson. Clearly the most significant and obvious area of grief is my personal loss of my little buddy with whom I spent the majority

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Resenting Grief

There are times my grief has made me feel unhealthy. In many ways I resent what grief has created in me: lack of initiative, an inability to reach out, extreme neediness, decreased social ability, diminished capacity to endure more emotional pain, mental lapses, and so on.  I have particularly feared that it has made me

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This Memorial Within

This Memorial Within

    Dear Judson, I miss you. Just a few months ago, I was holding you, teaching you, loving you, and raising you.  Sadly, you’re a ghost to me now.  Oh, how I wish I could touch you, wish I could speak to you and tell you how much you mean to me. My heart

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Heaven is a common word in the English language, often used to describe things of supreme happiness.  We hear people say, “This ice cream is heaven,” or “The place we vacationed was heaven.”  The term is intended to capture great delight.  Or there is the well-worn phrase, “for heaven’s sake,” which is an expression used

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