Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope


I read this quote and I found that it resonated with the deep yearnings of my soul:  The many contradictions in our lives – such as being home while feeling homeless, being busy while feeling bored, being popular while feeling lonely, being believers while feeling many doubts – can frustrate, irritate, and even discourage us.

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Horribly cold and heartless people truly exist in this world.  I brushed up against this reality the other day. There have been over 93,000 hits on our YouTube video of Judson singing the Star Spangled Banner.  When anyone posts a response to the video, I get an email indicating that a new comment has been

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Lightning McQueen Watch

Dear Jud, I got a watch a few weeks ago-in honor of you.  I think you would like it as much as I do.  It’s like the watch you got shortly after you got sick; it has Lightning McQueen on it. I would never have thought to purchase a watch with a cartoon character before. 

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Arms of Love

Less than a month before Judson died we had been discussing the first song Jud would sing when he was face to face with Jesus.  He indicated that “Arms of Love” was his top choice. I have been going through videos of Jud this week and discovered that I have a clip of him singing

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New Identity

I’ve been in a few different situations recently where I have been introduced to someone new.  As I have walked away from these encounters, I have imagined that the person giving the introduction probably turned to their companion and said something like, “Her son just died a few months ago.” Though it is strange how

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Can Loss Yield Gain?

Drake and I never imagined that we would lose so much in our lifetime.  After having watched our sweet boy suffer and die, it is hard to fathom anything worse (though I am sure worse things exist).  So, we decided… Why not risk? What have we got to lose that could be worse than what

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Step Forward

Step Forward

My big birthday gift from Drake was setting my bicycle up to be fit for two-a rider and a pint-sized passenger.  He dusted off and outfitted my old mountain bike with a child safety seat and equipped it with helmets for both adventurers, particularly the wee little one. Requesting this gift was an important step

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Faceless Evil

This week, after I had an experience that triggered wretched memories of the trauma of Jud’s death, I sat down to write and process through my dark, suffocating feelings surrounding the circumstances.  I came to the realization that nothing I was compiling in written word could ever be put in a blog or other published

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