Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Hard to Get

This song, “Hard to Get,” by Rich Mullins, is one I had heard many times before Jud got ill and died, but since Sarah recently reminded me of it, I have listened with new ears…ears that relate to the lyrics with a deep, gut-wrenching solidarity. This is a gritty song of raw, vulnerable, genuine, honest,

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Mother of the Groom

Last night, Drake and I attended our first wedding since Jud died. For the most part, I was able to focus on the newly married couple and rejoice in all the rejoicing. What I did not anticipate was the monsoon of grief that overtook my body as the groom’s mom stepped onto the hardwood floor

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7 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends, Today not only marks 7 months since Judson was set free from his suffering and ran into the arms of his loving Savior, but it also marks exactly one year since Judson’s first visit to the doctor. My concerns had begun to heighten after observing his increased stumbling and wobbly balance.

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I posted a blog about “Car Crying” exactly one year ago. It seems fitting, seeing as most of my car rides alone have been filled with tears since then. I sure cried my share in the car today!

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No Guarantees

Today marks exactly one year since my concerns for Judson began. For about two weeks, I had noticed Jud was seemingly off balance and stumbling a little bit, but I hadn’t thought much of it to that point; I am not a highly anxious mom and I simply chalked his clumsiness up to a growth

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Sturdy Stakes

Sturdy Stakes

I was surprised to look out my window this afternoon and discover that some Costa Mesa Public Service employees were at our park planting Judson’s tree (the memorial plaque is expected to be installed later this week). I raced outside to observe the process and discovered a beautiful, but spindly little Sycamore tree; it could

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First to Sit

First to Sit

Judson’s memorial bench was “unveiled” this morning, and though there was still work to be done, Jessie and I had the pleasure of being the first to sit on it. While Jessie then proceeded to play on the adjacent playground equipment, I laid on the bench, staring up at the bright blue sky…  “How did

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Life is Hard

As we enter this season of the onset of Judson’s Krabbe symptoms, as difficult as it will be, I intend to go back and read my journals, letters, and blogs from the corresponding day last year.  I have become aware that healing from this type of tragic loss necessitates moving into the pain, not away

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