Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

No Reserves

One the many difficulties in grief is that all the usual day-to-day challenges of life don’t cease just because you’ve experienced significant loss.  Computers still crash, interpersonal challenges continue to arise, injuries still occur, children still disobey, work stresses continue, and so on and so forth. The difference is that you have little to no

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Family of Faith

During our brief stay in AZ, we visited a small church that had heard about Jud and had been praying for our family throughout Jud’s affliction and our grief, but we were surprised when the pastor welcomed us from the pulpit, making us feel like honored guests. It, once again, gave us a glimpse of

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Brothers & Sisters

Brothers & Sisters

  There are some people in our lives who were at one time strangers, but have engaged our story so significantly, that is has truly become part of their own journey. On a drive to Colorado this weekend, Drake and I had the chance to stay a night in Sedona, AZ with some of these

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Do children require care in heaven?  If so, who is caring for my sweet man?  Has someone been specifically commissioned by God to care for him until Drake and I arrive? It is hard to imagine anyone other than Drake or me watching over our Jud.  This concept makes me feel like Jud is an

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Judson’s 1/2 Birthday

Dear family and friends, When I woke this morning, on Judson’s ½ birthday, sorrow gripped my heart tightly in anticipation of the day originally set aside to celebrate our boy’s life, yet now occurring in the throes of grief over his death. But tonight, I lay my head on my pillow, gripped with tremendous gratitude

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My dear, sweet, beautiful boy, You would be 3 ½ today if you were still living here on this earth.  This is the day your dad and I had set aside to celebrate your life each year.  But now you are no longer with us, and though we continue to celebrate your life, rejoicing greatly

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Wilson Park Dedication

Wilson Park Dedication

Yesterday was our small, private tree and bench dedication at Wilson Park in honor of Jud.   We moved into our home, that sits on the park, at the end of May 2006 and it became our backyard.  Our lives included daily jaunts to the playground and surrounding areas, with sometimes multiple visits in a

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1/2 Birthday Memoriam

1/2 Birthday Memoriam

When we gathered with family and friends for the tree and bench dedication yesterday, we also had a ½ birthday memorial celebration for Jud.  He would be turning 3 ½ tomorrow-June 24th. We had the same Lightening McQueen ice cream cake that was given to him at his Make-a-Wish party and after singing “Happy Birthday,”

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