Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope


By no fault of his own, Drake was in a severe car accident weeks ago.  We are so grateful he is okay, having walked away with the ongoing aches and pains expected from a serious crash but nothing grave or life-threatening.  However, the car was totaled. We have been confronted with many challenges associated with the accident,

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Cheering Section

This last weekend Jessie participated in The OC Kids Run in conjunction with the Orange County Marathon.  Students from her school have been training for the run these last couple months, jogging a couple times a week to equal approximately 25 miles.  They then complete their “marathon” by running the 26th mile in a timed

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On my stroll around our nearby lake this morning, my heart leapt at the signs of spring.  New blossoms covered the trees, birds chirped with wild enthusiasm, and budding flowers lined my path.  Out of a cold, bleak, and gloomy winter, life emerges… Spring always comes. Life can feel cold, bleak, and gloomy… But wait

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His Blanket

His Blanket

Most of Judson’s belongings now sit in a storage bin in our garage.  It’d been a couple years since I opened the plastic tub to engage its contents.  I use the word engage because the items contained therein cannot simply be browsed; they provoke, stir, and kick up memories, which can be both beautiful and

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Don’t Lose Heart

Don't Lose Heart

How easily I lose heart. I get discouraged by the bumps and bruises of life. I see looming troubles and hope escapes me.  I experience pain and it clouds my view of God’s grace.  I get weary under a heavy load.  I encounter new struggles and somehow forget God’s faithfulness in previous hardship. I lose

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8 Balloons

8 Balloons

As a symbol of your precious years, Amidst a celebration marked with tears, Eight balloons made an ascent, Gliding through the firmament. The heavens enveloped balloons of white, Each swiftly unseen, though still in flight. But the crimson two colored the sky, Floating distinctly, ever so high. Much like your years on earth, though few,

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Not So Typical

Not So Typical

On Christmas Eve we arrived with family at Judson’s gravesite armed with lawn chairs, blankets, decorations, and balloons—the usual fare to celebrate our boy’s birthday. But that’s what got to me most this year…it was the usual fare.  It was the same.  No new memories of our son.  No little boy to marvel at or consider his growth over

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Completely Full

Completely Full

The other night as I was tucking Jessie in bed, she expressed a desire to specifically pray for Judson and proceeded to pour out her heart to God on behalf of her brother. Dear Lord… I pray that Jud could have lots of fun in heaven and that he could get many kisses from you

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