Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope



I fell into a heap of tears this morning, experiencing the full extent of my weakness, fragility, and vulnerability. Then I began to think of the numerous radio interviews I’ve been doing recently, speaking of hope and God’s work in and through my pain.  I started wondering what those listeners might think if they heard

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Keep Walking

Keep Walking

There is a gentleman who lives in our area that I regularly see out walking the neighborhood.  He always catches my eye.  Using a quad cane, he ever-so-slowly takes one very small step after another, inching along with purpose and determination.  He appears to be a victim of a stroke, half his body paralyzed, but

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My Soul Yearns

My Soul Yearns

Photo courtesy of Jenny McMasters Photography Dear Judson… For awhile it felt like just yesterday that I had been snuggling you, running my fingers through your hair, kissing you to pieces, and sharing the simple joys of life with you.  But those experiences are so distant from me now; everything has changed since the day

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50 Years

50 Years

Photo courtesy of The Orange County Register As I was sitting in my Starbucks office, typing away on my laptop, a sweet woman tapped me on the shoulder and, pointing at my necklace, asked, “Is that your son?” “Yes,” I smiled, leaving it at that. “Is that his age now or was that picture taken

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Central Part

Central Part

“Do you still think about Judson much?” my neighbor, whom I’ve only known for a few months, recently inquired. I responded with a curious look, wondering what prompted her question, but touched she was thinking about my boy. She continued, “The only person I’ve lost in my life is my grandma.  It was a couple

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Mysterious Ways

Mysterious Ways

It was quite a surreal moment when we were declared tournament champions of The American Bible Challenge! If you had asked six months ago how we thought God might choose to expand our ministry and help fund our cause, I can assure you we would never have imagined him using a Bible game show.  His

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Presumptive Reality

Presumptive Reality

I was watching a TV show online last night when a 30-second commercial came out of nowhere and punched me in the gut. A little, diaper-clad baby with beautiful, bare skin was laughing and giggling with delight as she lay on her back playing with her feet.  A deep voice began to narrate, “You will

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A Researcher’s Perspective

A Researcher's Perspective

“I show Jud’s video all the time to doctors and researchers.  It has such an incredible impact!  I call the later onset form of Krabbe…Judson’s disease.  I wouldn’t be surprised if one day it is known as such.” — Dr. Patti Duffner, Hunter James Kelly Research Institute One of the ways Judson’s Legacy is committed

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