Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

The Empty Space

The Empty Space

“Mother’s Day is probably one of the most dreaded days for moms who have suffered the loss of a child. Even, if we have the blessing of other children, there is always that empty chair, that lump in our throat and an indescribable ache in our hearts for that one who is no longer here

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Fluctuating Feelings

Fluctuating Feelings

In preparation for a recent short interview about Judson, I went back and was reading various parts of Eyes that See.  As I was revisiting my own feelings from the most intense and heartbreaking period of my life, I was simultaneously feeling the tensions of my heart in the here and now. It became apparent

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In the Middle

In the Middle

I’m living in the middle. Time has gently moved me away From the intensely jagged edges Experienced at the beginning. Time also sweetly moves me toward The realization of glory To be experienced at the end. But I’m living in the middle. Distant from the outer limits Yet stretched by the longing of both extremes.

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When the Waiting Ends…

When the Waiting Ends...

Oftentimes life finds us in a long, long season of waiting—waiting for God to move a heart, waiting for a circumstance to shift, waiting for a relationship to develop, so on and so forth.  Our longings can be for very good things, things that are pleasing to the heart of God, and yet they elude

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I received an unexpected phone call this morning from the city of Costa Mesa informing us that Judson’s sycamore sapling at Wilson Park had been vandalized.  For awhile we had been concerned about the tree because its growth seemed stunted; it didn’t appear to be developing as it should.  But the city official on the

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A Conscious Choice

A Conscious Choice

I was in my Starbucks “office” a few months back wearing my Jud Bud shirt when someone who followed our journey recognized me, introduced herself, and introduced me to her friend, Dana, who was pregnant at the time.  What I did not realize in that moment was how much my heart would grow to love

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Flip-Top Balloon

Flip-Top Balloon

“Mama, do you remember the time I dropped all of my CD’s?”  Jessie asked as I was thumbing through the CDs in our car.  “I have a bunch!  The music is really beautiful and I have lots of stories.   I had to pick up SO many CDs.” “I remember that.  You do have a ton,

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A Life that Reaches into Eternity

A Life that Reaches into Eternity

I was sitting on the couch in my parents’ home Saturday evening, laptop at hand, outlining some ideas while the TV provided background noise to my musings.   Suddenly my attention was awakened to the screen when I heard the words, “Whitney Houston was found dead this afternoon…” My focus shifted intently to the news of

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