Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Trimming Jud’s Tree

Trimming Jud's Tree

Though we have still have yet to purchase our Christmas noble fir, Jessie and I finished decorating our home for the season this morning which included trimming Judson’s little tree.  With every ornament Jessie placed on the tiny fake pine, she exclaimed, “I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!”

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Much of the day my eyes have been flooded with tears.  Some days are just that way; whether there are definite triggers or nothing specific at all, the emotion cannot be contained.  And today was one of those days.  All the sorrow of living without my boy was forefront in each moment, dwarfing every other

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Tuck Me In

Tuck Me In

Jessie has just started getting used to having covers on her when she sleeps, so as I was tucking her into bed tonight, making sure she was “snug as a bug in a rug,” I told her some stories of when my mama used to put me to bed when I was a little girl. 

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Dear family and friends… With Jud’s book Eyes that See now in limited-release much has been happening for our family. Many of you may have already noticed, but Judson’s website has been significantly upgraded with a great deal of new material, including: Eyes that See page Book Trailer Video Judson’s Legacy Speaking Ministry (Listen to

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In the Christmas Spirit

For months Jessie has been asking when Christmas is coming.  Now that the season is here, she is in a mode of constant celebration.  Last night we went to an outdoor area that had a Christmas tree and she discovered her “stage” for celebration.  Enjoy!

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Flannel PJs

Playing with Jessie up in her room the other night, she stumbled upon a large, clear, unfamiliar box in her closet.  Curious, she asked if she could open in it to see what was inside.  Though I knew it would stir all sorts of emotions within me, I proceeded to let her rummage through the

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Losing You Again

Losing You Again

Dear Judson, You know I could never forget you, but I’m having a harder and harder time remembering you.  We have pictures, videos and memories of you, but they’re all flat compared to the beautiful, brilliant boy you were and are.  I miss you. In truth, as I begin my third year without you, I

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500th Blog Post

500th Blog Post

  Dear Reader… Amazingly, this is my 500th post since Judson’s death…and the timing is especially apropos considering today, December 1st, is the official release date for his book Eyes that See: Judson’s Story of Hope in Suffering (okay, you figured me out, I waited to post my 500th until today).  Eyes that See is

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