Judson's Legacy

Trimming Jud’s Tree


Though we have still have yet to purchase our Christmas noble fir, Jessie and I finished decorating our home for the season this morning which included trimming Judson’s little tree.  With every ornament Jessie placed on the tiny fake pine, she exclaimed, “I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!”

3 Responses to "Trimming Jud’s Tree"

  1. How sweet! What a great sister Jessie is!
    Lots of love to Jessie and sweet Juddy!!


  2. Oh, love her little heart. She is so precious!!!!!!
    Give her hugs from Aunt Jean and Uncle Gary

  3. Samanta says:

    You are a wonderful sister Jessie!!! I love her smile in that pic!!!! And Jud’s tree looks really lovely!!!! Very sweet pic of Jud on the wall!

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