Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope



On Monday morning Jessie and I were having fun wrestling in the living room; she would repeatedly jump on me and then squirm out of my arms.  However, at one point I grabbed her to pull her back into my embrace and the crown of her head nailed me below my eye.  She was fine,

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Thankful Thursday Week #6

Thankful Thursday Week #6

1.   As I sit in solitude on a lifeguard station at our local beach, it being the middle of winter with the sun shining on my face, I am so grateful to live in such a beautiful area where I am only a couple miles from the ocean, mesmerized by the beauty of God’s creation.

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Quick Update

Dear family and friends… We have two especially exciting things to share with you. A couple months ago our publisher informed us that they had selected Eyes that See: Judson’s Story as one of their “Focus Titles” for the year.  This is a HUGE honor in that out of the hundreds of books they publish

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Eagerly Waiting

Eagerly Waiting

Driving home from Palm Springs after being gone for the week, I was filled with great anticipation and excitement over the impending reunion with my little “Buggy B” – incredibly anxious to see her!  Unfortunately, the car trip that should have taken only about 2 ½ hours turned into more than a 4 hour drive

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Thankful Thursday Week #5

Thankful Thursday Week #5

We have been in Palm Springs for the week, giving me so many reasons to be grateful… 1.  I am incredibly thankful to my parents who offered us their timeshare and are watching Jessie (and Howie) all week.  It is because of their gift of time, resources, and love that Drake and I have been

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Drake and I are currently in Palm Springs.  I didn’t realize until we were driving here and memories suddenly came flooding back to me that the last time I visited the desert was with my Jud Bud.  Judson was 13 months old; he and I (Drake had to work) had driven out to spend a

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Tissue Truth

Tissue Truth

For various reasons, I have been going to sleep feeling sad the last several nights. Having run out of tissue beside my place of slumber, yesterday morning I went under the cabinet and grabbed a new box, placing it on the night stand next to my side of the bed. Last night when I laid

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Thankful Thursday Week #4

Thankful Thursday Week #4

1.  I have been feeling a little sick the last two days and it reminds me how thankful I am for health – not just health from sniffles, sneezes, and coughs, but I am incredibly grateful not to have any chronic ailments or physical disabilities that affect my day-to-day living.  I have been given a

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