Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Slice of Life

Slice of Life

I am one of the millions of people who have found Facebook to be a great place to connect with old friends and keep in touch with people.  Though not part of my regular Facebook routine, I periodically take the time to read through the recent status updates posted by my friends.  For those who

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Continuing the Tradition

Continuing the Tradition

Half birthdays were deemed worthy of celebration in our home when Judson was born on Christmas Eve.  Faced with trying to determine how to best celebrate Jud’s life while making it unique from our Christmas celebrations, we started the half birthday plan.  And when Jessie was born, to be equally charitable, we decided to do

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Shared Look

Shared Look

Recently, I have been struck by the many moments when Drake and I have been in a situation where we are amongst other people and suddenly something occurs that causes our eyes to lock on one another in understanding and solidarity, even if we are across the room from each other.  It is as if

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Thankful Thursday Week #7

Thankful Thursday Week #7

1.  This week, I am most struck by God’s hand on our lives, grateful that even when our story is not the path we would have ever chosen, he is clearly involved and moving in ways we could never orchestrate ourselves (see Exciting News for more). 2.  Last Friday we shared a meal with our

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Exciting News

Exciting News

Dear family and friends… We have very exciting news to share with regard to Judson’s book. But before I delve into the good news, I want to provide a little context about the publishing industry for those of you who, like me, have limited knowledge about the business… In recent years there has been an

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Slow Motion

Slow Motion

There is a technique in filmmaking whereby a highly busy street scene is sped up in fast motion, but there is one person in real time amidst the hurried landscape.  I am that person. Somehow, since losing Judson, I feel like I am in a time-warp, everything surrounding me moving at a rapidly different pace. 

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Too Loud

Too Loud

Jessie has been learning her capital letters and after conquering the letter ”V,” which seemed to constantly allude her, she finally mastered her visual recognition of the uppercase alphabet this week.  So in celebration of her accomplishment we went to the Disney store to pick out “a little Daisy Duck” at her request. After making

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Four Bowls

Four Bowls

As I was preparing dinner tonight I grabbed some bowls for salad, laid them out on the counter, opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a bag of baby greens.  When I turned around to start making the salad and caught a glimpse of the counter, my heart sank. “Oh man!” I mournfully exclaimed. Drake moved

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