Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope



Today marks 29 months since Judson died.  Why is 29 months particularly notable? Judson lived 29 months before the onset of Krabbe disease…  29 months of untainted bliss with our son.  29 months of looking into his eyes and having him look back into mine.  29 months of holding his unbroken body.  29 months of

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Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

I remember when I was in elementary school our family had planned a trip to Magic Mountain for the day.  The night before we left I could hardly contain my excitement, unable to sleep.  En route in the car I was full of energy in anticipation of all the fun ahead.  So imagine my disappointment

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Ram in the Thicket

Ram in the Thicket

God graciously put me in a situation where I wound up teaching Genesis 22, Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac, at our Women’s Bible Study back in January.  Considering our journey with Judson, it was incredibly difficult passage for me to engage while also amazingly poignant. I experienced a lot of weeping, wrestling, and crying out to

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Unfathomable Sacrifice

Unfathomable Sacrifice

I was given the honor of reading chapter 15 from the gospel of Mark at the Good Friday service for our church tonight.  In preparing to read the narrative of Jesus’ crucifixion, there is a phrase written in Arabic for which I needed to research the pronunciation so I could articulate it properly. “Eloi, Eloi,

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My Release

My Release

Little did I realize when I signed the contract for Judson’s story to be published that the imminent book release would be both a literal and figurative release. As Eyes that See is, in the literal sense, being released for public consumption, I have become notably aware of how putting our precious little boy’s story

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Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

At Starbucks the other day, Jessie went to order my refill of iced tea for me (she’s miss independent) and after giving them my cup she came racing back with big, huge eyes and asked, “Can I have a brownie?  Miss Kari (the barista) offered me a brownie.” “Wow!  What a treat!  Yes, Jessie, you

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Thankful Thursday Week #13

Thankful Thursday Week #13

1.  Our former church community at EV Free Fullerton has continued to be a huge blessing in our lives even after we moved three and a half years ago.  This week we were honored to join them on Sunday and share about the things God has recently been impressing upon our hearts through our journey

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Bound to Him

Bound to Him

Photo courtesy of Robeck Design. I just spent some time this evening answering interview questions for ChristianBookNotes.com.  Our publisher sent them a copy of our book for review and after reading it, Drake and I were honored to have them request a written interview.  The last question really affected me: 7) Can you describe other

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