Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Jessie-isms: 7th Installment

Jessie-isms: 7th Installment

1.  As we were walking out of the building of our local nature center Jessie exclaimed, “I liked the gecko inside.”  “Oh really, I didn’t see the gecko while we were in there.  Where was it?” I responded, perplexed.  “No, mama, I liked the sound of the gecko when I was talking in there!” she

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Thankful Thursday Reflection

Thankful Thursday Reflection

Somehow, most of the expressions of gratitude in our world seem more at home at a tea party than in the tumble and turmoil of life.  You see, gratitude is a lot more than Hallmark cards, jonquils and pretty notebooks.  Gratitude is a lifestyle.  –adapted from Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss This is my

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A Person

A Person

“Mom?” “Yes, Jessie?”  “I wish Paisley were a person,” my ladybug declares, musing at the breakfast counter. “Oh, that’s interesting.  Why, Buggy B?” “Well, I wish we had more people around,” she answered. “You want more people around?” I questioned with curiosity. “See, if Paisley were a person,” her hands moving dramatically as if to

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The Deception

The Deception

I am a proud person—and I’m not proud of it. I am realizing more and more just how overly protective I am of my own dignity and highly concerned about external perceptions; I don’t weather a bruised psyche very well. A few nights ago, I woke out of a fitful sleep, sweaty, my heart racing

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Thankful Thursday Week #22

Thankful Thursday Week #22

This Thankful Thursday is dedicated solely to our dear friends Eric and Laura Baesel. Some couples never in their lifetime have friends that would go to the ends of the earth for them, love them through every up and down, and sacrifice through thick and thin.  But the Baesels have been just those kinds of

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Blurry Lines

Blurry Lines

Dear Judson… I am concerned. Our intent in sharing your life has always been for God’s story of hope and redemption to be told through your beautiful spirit and that your legacy be honored.  But I am becoming concerned that people are easily forgetting that you are a person, a dear boy, our beloved son.

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Sparkly Pendant

Sparkly Pendant

For multiple reasons and no particular reason at all, I was having a very rough morning today.  Despite my sadness and tear-stained eyes, Jessie and I went on our usual jaunt to Starbucks.   Shortly after our arrival, Jessie, being very gifted at socializing with adults, struck up a conversation with two nearby women who had

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Thankful Thursday Week #21

Thankful Thursday Week #21

1)      Swinging in sync while chatting with Jessie at “airplane” park.  It was a moment I wanted to tuck into my heart to remember forever. 2)      The relationship Jessie is developing with Paisley kitty. 3)      My friend Cristina’s blog post about a recent conversation with her son, Caleb. 4)      Jessie and I had such a

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