Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Hard Time of Year

Hard Time of Year

Photo courtesy of Jenny McMasters Photography This is just a hard time of year.  No matter how you slice it, I feel the aches and pains that began four years ago when we realized Judson was slipping through our fingers.  Each year I wonder whether the pain will dissipate, whether I will again feel the

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Strawberry Farm

Strawberry Farm

“Tell me about the strawberry farm, mom,” I could hear his little voice ringing in my ears.  “Tell me about the tractor ride.”  Then I would start in with the story about our adventures at Tanaka farm.  But  just a few sentences into the story my sweet man would interrupt.  Enthusiastically piping in, Jud would

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Start Up

Start Up

Dear family and friends… As Drake is currently away at a work-related conference, I find myself thinking back to the day when I asked him to come home from this same conference four years ago out of concern something was seriously wrong with Judson.  Drake left and returned home immediately without any idea our world

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Ugliness of Humanity

Ugliness of Humanity

We have definitely felt much vulnerability by making Judson’s story public—we are periodically confronted with disheartening critique, strong opinions of opposition, or downright vulgarity.  It’s been toughening us up to endure more and more difficult remarks, a challenge that seems to be par for the course of allowing Judson’s life and story to be shared in

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Twelve Stones

Twelve Stones

I’ve been feeling the pains of this life deluge me these last several months.  And they seem to somehow be trying to simultaneously drown my memories of God’s provision and care.  How quickly I forget the manner in which God has shown his trustworthiness—the numerous ways he has been tangible with his love.  Interestingly, throughout

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Feeling It All

Feeling It All

A peek into my Mother’s Day or what I like to call Women’s Day: Feeling It All…the tremendous joy and the intense pain! And on this Women’s Day I’d like to give a special shout of love and appreciation to: My friend who remains single while longing to be married and start a family. My

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Mothering Instincts

Mothering Instincts

At dusk today I went for a stroll around our nearby lake, then found a solitary area along the water to reflect and soak in the beauty of the sunset.  Moments after perching on a rock, I was pleasantly surprised to discover four goslings enthusiastically waddling toward me.  I watched with awe and wonder as

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God Knows

God Knows

I have been regularly blessed with emails of encouragement, support and hope over the last years; one person who has consistently written is Christy, the wife of my brother’s college roommate, Steve.  At the end of February when I received an email from her with the subject “God Knows” I didn’t anticipate the heart-wrenching news

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