Judson's Legacy

Feeling It All

A peek into my Mother’s Day or what I like to call Women’s Day:

Feeling It All…the tremendous joy and the intense pain!

And on this Women’s Day I’d like to give a special shout of love and appreciation to:

  • My friend who remains single while longing to be married and start a family.
  • My friend who is past child-bearing age and was never given the opportunity to be a mother.
  • My friend who has had multiple miscarriages and is losing hope for bearing a child.
  • My friend who was recently told she is infertile and cannot have children.
  • My  friend who grew up without her mother because she died at a young age.
  • My friends who have lost their mothers in adulthood.
  • My friends who grieve daily the choices of their adult children.
  • My many friends whose children have severe disabilities and they fear for their lives every day.
  • The many mothers like me who have lost a child and must learn to live with the pain of their child’s absence.
  • Anyone else reading this who feels pain, loss, or longing on Mother’s Day!

8 Responses to "Feeling It All"

  1. Darlene says:

    Thank you,Christine. Happy Mothers day to you as well.

  2. Angie Green says:

    Precious Mom,

    I tried posting a different comment, but I guess I messed up somehow, because I don’t see it – and then I found the quote below from a Care Note that I pulled out to review prior to Mother’s Day – -if the other comment shows up somehow, hopefully, it won’t seem like I’m dominating your blog space – duh!

    "One of the hardest parts of surviving a major life trauma is keeping your grief in perspective. When someone who was a major part of your reason for living goes away, it is crystal clear to you that your world will never be the same again And, it is easy to be thrown off balance when the world decides to celebrate a public holiday. We can suffer overwhelming pain and anxiety when the people around us decide to break out the party hats and celebrate one of our traditional holidays. And, it’s not just the public celebrations that hurt a grieving heart. A family’s own special days can be equally crushing, and in these times I try to remind myself that the people around me are not bit players in my starrring role, but rather each of us is the central player in his or her own life. Painful as it is, we have to accept that the world is bigger than I and my sorrow. In fact, we can draw comfort from the fact that life does go on – even in the face of our great loss."

    I thank God, with you, for your compassionate pastoral staff that recognizes that when one is celebrating another may be suffering, and when one is suffering, another may be celebrating – and as we know, "there is a time for everything under Heaven." -Ecclesiastes

    Love and Hugs, "a mother like you"

  3. chrissy says:

    Love your sensitivity here … God really uses our pain so that we can be empathetic ambassadors to the people in our lives.

  4. Jean Butler says:

    Oh Christina~You are so precious….I can’t wait for you to be reunited with Jud….but you keep on with lady bug…Jud is smiling down on you. A late Happy Mothers Day to one WONDERFUL mom!!!!!!!!!!

  5. How much I have enjoyed getting to know your little boy, Judson, through this site. The tremendous love, joy and heartache you’ve had must be indescribable. And yet, as I came upon this blog, was your blessing for a friend who remains single, while praying for a family. I have remained single all my life, and have suffered great pain over this. Now I find much joy in the many children I have taught, and the wonderful nieces and nephews, and their children, whom I call ‘grapes’.( The first grand niece couldn’t say Great Grandma, and my Mom became Grandma Grape.)
    One of my students has Dravet Syndrome, and she and her family are, like you, going straight to Heaven. Many blessings to you in your joyful times with Jesse, and in the sweet memories of your very special boy, Judson. Happy Mother’s Day a few days late..
    I also am a Godmother, and have so many wonderful children in my life.

  6. hadashi says:

    beautifully written

  7. Cathy says:

    Belated Happy Mother’s Day Christina!

    I came across some youtube videos of this beautiful girl named Rhema who lost her mother when she was 6 years old.

    Amazing Grace is a beautiful song but Rhema’s rendition is truly amazingly beautiful.

    This is her website. http://rhemamarvanne.com/about.html. Hope you will be blessed by her story and her sweet voice:)

  8. Kay Farish says:

    Wow, Christina.
    I went to the site and read some of the comments there. I ached that some could only see that Jud was white. Therefore, he had not suffered. There is a world in pain submerged in the interiors of people robed in every color. May our precious Abba reach into ALL of us with His great mercy and grace.
    I love you.

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