Judson's Legacy

Heartache and Hope

Tragedy Binds

Tragedy binds you with others who have experienced tragedy. It is almost as though when a person experiences tragedy they suddenly find themselves in a “club” of people who have also walked a heart-wrenching path of catastrophic loss.  It is a club no one ever wants to be a part of, but once you discover

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A Lament

O Lord, the universe shouts of Your existence.Nature calls forth Your essence.All creation groans for You, its Maker. Who am I that You should be mindful of me? Your love is known to me,Your faithfulness proven,Your grace encountered. Yet, despite my genuine experience of You, I struggle. O lord, You see my heart,It cannot be

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Inexplicably Awful

I’ve been lying awake in bed tonight, unable to sleep.  I’m not sure why. If I must have a night of difficulty catching z’s, then oh, what I wouldn’t give for this sleepless night to be because Judson is in the room next door, needing me.  I’ve tossed and turned in these wee hours, remembering

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Green Race Car

Months ago, after having gone through all of Judson’s belongings, we gave a few boxes of his toys to our church. This morning, when we took Jessie to the church nursery, there on the floor was little, bright-eyed, toe-headed Silas, the precious, almost two year old son of some friends of ours, looking up at

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What I Want

I JUST WANT MY BOY BACK!!!! So often in life when I have wanted something, one way or another, I have been able to make it happen.  Not this time. I cannot arrange, orchestrate, or organize things to get my boy back.  I cannot appeal, discuss, or advocate to get my boy back.  I cannot

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Not Concerned

Thanks to “Auntie Rachel,” it was “date night” last night.  As Drake and I were driving to dinner, we wound up in a sob fest. We were blubbering and bawling, much like one might do if they hadn’t cried in years (though our tears had been running just a few hours prior). We finally came

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It is becoming apparent that there are so many levels to grief.  I am not talking about the stages of grief that counselors describe: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  I am referring to the personal layers that seem to be unearthed as I walk day by day in my sorrow. While my mind is

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We received this picture today: With these words:I am sending you a picture of my fire helmet with a certain little boy’s name in it.  I see this every time I put my helmet on.  Judson is watching over me at all times.  I put it on the day I found that he had passed

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