Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Life is Messy

Life is Messy

Life is messy.  And life in the midst of grief is especially messy. I have been thinking a lot recently about my interactions with friends and even acquaintances in my grief: some are sweet, some are okay, but some sting. A few things stand out to me. First, it means so much when people acknowledge

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4 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends… Today marks four months since Judson was set free from the chains of his deteriorating body and made whole in the arms of Love for which he sang. This month has passed a little more quickly than the three previously, but the pain and sorrow continue to deepen. We are learning

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As I was writing about seeing Judson everywhere, and wanting to continue to see him in everything, I realized, once again, the similarities between my relationship with Jud and my relationship with Jesus. Just as I see Jud in everything, The Lord wants me to see Jesus in everything.  To have eyes that are wide

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I See You

Dear Jud… You are everywhere. I see you in Jessie.  I see you in Lightening McQueen, Mickey Mouse, and Thomas the Tank Engine.  I see you at every playground and park.    I see you in every dandelion.  I see you in every fountain.  I see you in every car, truck, van, bus, or SUV. 

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Natural Trigger

Grief and depression go hand-in-hand-grief naturally triggers depression; it is a normal part of bereavement. So what does life look like for the depressed, grieving person? The answer, for this mourning mother, is currently unraveling in my soul. And so, I cling.  I cling to the hope for restoration of life once again: Though you

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Journeying Downhill

I have many people in my life who regularly want to know how I am doing; they are sincerely concerned about my grief process and how Jud’s death is affecting me. Unfortunately, things have been so difficult that I almost dread those recurring questions now.  It is not that I don’t appreciate their genuine concern,

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Stones of Remembrance

Stones of Remembrance

At Judson’s graveside service, each person was given a stone.  We were told to hold our stone throughout the service; at the end we would build a small monument to commemorate God’s power and grace reflected in the life of our Jud.  Part of the process would be letting go of our stone as a

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Tragedy Binds

Tragedy binds you with others who have experienced tragedy. It is almost as though when a person experiences tragedy they suddenly find themselves in a “club” of people who have also walked a heart-wrenching path of catastrophic loss.  It is a club no one ever wants to be a part of, but once you discover

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