Dear family and friends…
Today marks four months since Judson was set free from the chains of his deteriorating body and made whole in the arms of Love for which he sang. This month has passed a little more quickly than the three previously, but the pain and sorrow continue to deepen.
We are learning to lament-to pour our hearts before God in their raw, honest state of need. With very little to offer, we offer Him our hurt, laying our brokenness and lack of understanding at His feet. We trust the Lord wants to hear even our pain and questions.
Though, generally speaking, this loss has left us with little excitement for the future, we are anxiously awaiting our trip to Kauai next week. We have been feeling a strong desire to retreat from life, and we have been given a healthy option to do so. The timing is perfect. What an incredible blessing!
People tell us regularly through email and in person that our family continues to be in their thoughts and prayers. It touches us deeply to know others are mindful of us in our sorrow. Grief can sour or it can sweeten-our greatest longing right now is for our severe grief to severely sweeten our lives.
Lastly, I want to mention to those who have not received responses from me in the last months. Please know how grateful I am for every loving, encouraging, compassionate word that has been sent. I often have so much to say in response, but lack everything else required to compose a reply-my limitations have been significant! Thank you for understanding my season of silence.
We continue to pray for God to pour out His blessing on all you who have blessed us so much!!!
Lots of love,
Christina (on behalf of Drake too)