Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Your Point of View

Your Point of View

Dear Judson, I so often wonder whether you see me now, whether you see how you remain part of our daily lives and conversation, whether you see all the amazing ways you continue to touch people’s hearts, or the little things we do to honor you.  Today was especially one of those days.  I was

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Thankful Thursday Week #25

Thankful Thursday Week #25

Since the documentary has been on my mind all week, this Thankful Thursday reflects my gratitude for all the things surrounding the documentary. 1.   I am still in awe that Sun and Angela Kim read our story in a magazine (winter of 2008/2009) and through the prompting of the Spirit of God felt lead to

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Glorious and Beautiful

Glorious and Beautiful

I have stared at a blank page every night this week, wanting to express our experience with the documentary, but words have been inadequate to describe all that has been stirred in my soul.  The experience on Saturday has been a constant on my mind and attached to a multiplicity of emotions that have been

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I found myself on my knees this afternoon, calling out, “I need help, Lord.  I need help,” over and over again as my eyes swelled with tears.  The heaviness of life suddenly felt like it was going to crush me, leaving me struggling to find my next breath. “Please help me, Lord!”  I exclaimed in

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Thankful Thursday Week #24

Thankful Thursday Week #24

1.  The opportunity we have been given to attend the Krabbe symposium in July this year.  It will be Drake’s first time attending and I look forward to experiencing it together as a family. 2.  A fun family trip to Disneyland and the gift of having Drake with us. 3.  Health insurance. 4.  Watching Drake

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Cling To What Is Good

Cling To What Is Good

The day of Jud’s emergency MRI. Today, June 13th, marks three years since I took Judson to our local medical center with concerns for his health; the words from the doctor still ring in my ears, “This is likely very serious.  We need to do an emergency MRI.” And from that moment our lives were

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Ever So Gradually

Ever So Gradually

Sunday, June 6 Whenever Jessie gets an injury or wound, I often state, “Isn’t it amazing how God made our bodies to heal?  And I bet you’ll heal really quickly, Jess.” In fact, last Saturday she fell and scraped her face pretty badly…yet, today, less than a week later, her abrasions are practically gone. I

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Jessie-isms: 7th Installment

Jessie-isms: 7th Installment

1.  As we were walking out of the building of our local nature center Jessie exclaimed, “I liked the gecko inside.”  “Oh really, I didn’t see the gecko while we were in there.  Where was it?” I responded, perplexed.  “No, mama, I liked the sound of the gecko when I was talking in there!” she

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