Judson's Legacy

loss of a child

Radiant Shades of Color

Radiant Shades of Color

My dear Buddy Boo…I miss you so, so much. Nine years. You’ve be home with Jesus for nine years now. I got blind-sided by my grief yesterday at church. The second song began and the floodgates opened; I was a blubbering mess. It actually caught me a bit by surprise, as though I was a piñata—suddenly struck…

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Eight Years Now

Eight Years Now

Dear Jud Bud… My heart longs so deeply for you. This unsatisfied ache of my soul has become part of me…part of each breath, thought, experience…for eight years now. I was driving along the freeway yesterday and saw an RV lot. I had a memory of discussing that RV lot with you. But then I second-guessed my recollection, wondering…

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Lauren’s Song

Lauren's Song

A window of opportunity had opened, so I tentatively asked, “Can I hold her?”

“Well, you can sure try, but she doesn’t always take well to strangers,” Amanda cautioned. This is a phrase commonly expressed by moms of infants or toddlers when someone asks to hold their baby, but in this circumstance, it was unusual…

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Lasts Forever

A poem for my Juddy this Mother’s Day:

I never thought I’d have the gift
Of being called a mother,
Then one day you came to be
And changed me like no other.

I beamed with delight and cried with joy;
You were cherished from the start.
The moment that our eyes had met…

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