Judson's Legacy

death of a child

Lost In My Grief

Lost In My Grief

I feel a little lost today. Lost in my grief. It’s raining. Raining so hard that I think we won’t be able to decorate your grave for the first time in 14 years. This makes me sad. And it leaves me a little lost. It’s the simple way we’ve come to celebrate you on your birthday…

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Twelve Years

Judson & Mommy

Dear Jud Bud… I find myself longing for a new photograph of the two of us together. Longing. And longing. And longing. But there are none. Nor will there be. I repeatedly gaze at the same handful of pictures of you and me…I’ve been staring at these same ones for twelve years now. It’s heartbreakingly

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Not Our Usual

Not Our Usual

Today is Easter. In our family, Easter is usually set aside as a day to gather with loved ones in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus and the hope therein. Drake and I are not home today. We are not…

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