Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Measure of Grace

Measure of Grace

It was around this time two years ago that I stumbled upon the blog of a woman whose baby boy was in the hospital battling for his life due to Shaken Baby Syndrome caused by the sitter.  As I read her words I began sobbing uncontrollably, her pain unimaginable to me.  I remember audibly saying

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Little Blonde Boy

Little Blonde Boy

Jessie and I had the chance to spend yesterday morning with Isaac, a little blonde boy that is the son of a friend of mine and a buddy of Jessie’s at church.  Isaac is a sweet, well-behaved, handsome little boy just 10 months younger than Jud. Isaac played with Judson’s trains, rode in Jud’s car,

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At the Core

At the Core

I continue to be so tender and sensitive with matters of the heart since losing Judson.  Though some of my struggles are unrelated to him, even the slightest bit of tension, interpersonal challenge, or other difficult circumstance weighs more heavily in my soul than I ever experienced before.  What would probably have struck me like

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Deafening Silence

Deafening Silence

“Why can’t Jud talk now?”  Jessie inquired out of the blue yesterday.  “When he was in the park he used to talk.  Why can’t he talk now?” As I struggled to address her concerns about her brother, Jessie’s question hit at the heart of one of my most tender struggles right now.  With every effort

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Floating Silhouette

Floating Silhouette

What is it about butterflies that capture my heart unlike any other creature?  Is it the intricate beauty?  Is it the idea that they have emerged from dark cocoon to new life?  Is it that they dance through the air with such grace?  Is it their peaceful silence as they fly? I expect it is

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Wedding Preparations

Wedding Preparations

Jessie has been hard at work preparing for her role as flower girl in Auntie Sarah and Uncle Dean’s wedding.  She had the chance to attend my friend Tamie’s wedding with us a couple weeks ago and put in a lot of effort learning to toast the happy couple, practicing her dance moves, and then

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For a bit of time now I’ve been feeling aimless—devoid of direction and lacking purpose.  It’s as if I float around the house not knowing what to do with myself even though there are a thousand things on my list.  I am haphazardly stumbling through my days, even squandering my time, while my vagrant thoughts

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