Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Dear family and friends, This Christmas season has been markedly different for us this year.  Though we have felt more intimately connected to the profound blessing of Jesus’ birth since losing Judson, the last three years could be characterized by a need to just push through and simply endure the holidays.  However, this year there

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Three Years Without Jud

Three Years Without Jud

Dear family and friends… Today we face into the third anniversary of the day death tore Judson from our arms.  Sometimes, as a protective mechanism, I try to reason out why today need not be any different than every other day we live without Jud, but my heart knows the gravity of what occurred in

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A Short, Sweet Song

A Short, Sweet Song

Dear Judson, Much like the day that you left us, today is an average, cloudy day.  Perhaps it’s right that it’s dreary, but what I really wished for then and now is a frigid, tempestuous day that clearly conveys my sorrow and the turbulence in my soul.  But alas, if I could always have what

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Turn Back Time

Turn Back Time

My Dear Jud Bud… We have now reached three years of living in the wake of your death and yet you were unable to even reach three years of life; this notion is unbearable—yet I live in it daily. As people turn their clocks back an hour today, marking the end of daylight savings time,

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Ahoy, Matey!

Ahoy, Matey!

It might be considered a new milestone for the little lady of our house, when the prospect of being a pirate was met with more enthusiams than than the possibility of donning a princess dress for Halloween.  I’m not sure Jessie even knew at the time of making her decision what a pirate is, but

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Dear family and friends… Today, September 21st, marks 2 years, 10 months, and 14 days since our Jud Bud died.  This is a point in time that has loomed in our hearts since he left this earth, because… Judson lived exactly 2 years, 10 months, and 14 days. Soon after that dark Wednesday morning when

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Be Still

Be Still

It seems most of my recent journal entries end with, “I am waiting, Lord.  I am waiting,” or something similar.  I have been in a long, hard season where I feel as though I am being called to wait.  Because of this, a recent reading from Spurgeon resonnated deeply with my heart; I felt inclined

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