Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

We Are Moving

We Are Moving

Dear friends and family… We are moving! The process of getting to this point has been grueling since we first learned of the foreclosure but we are grateful to have found a new home in a wonderful area, just around the corner from a fabulous elementary school for Jessie. We are transitioning from Costa Mesa

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Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. –Cheers Back in the Spring of 2006, when Drake, Judson, and I (along with our bun in the oven Jessie) moved to Costa Mesa, one of my first orders of business was to find a local coffee shop in walking

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Suffocating Lump

Suffocating Lump

I was never an especially sentimental person.  I was apt to note value in that which connected me to the past, but my emotions were never particularly affected by nostalgia…   …until I lost my son. Since then, it feels as though I live in a perpetual state of sentiment.  Meanwhile, packing for our move

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A Godless World?

A Godless World?

Periodically, my Google Reader will suggest internet reading for me based on my current subscriptions.   About a month ago, it suggested I read Godless Girl; the name of the blog caught my attention so I took the time to explore.  As I poked around the site, reading various entries, and exploring the recommended articles, it

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Spilling Open

Spilling Open

Back in 2000, my friend Dana, a Biola colleague at the time, gave me a book for my birthday that proved to be formative to my creative process, affecting all my subsequent writing. It’s not a narrative, a faith-based read, a writing manual, or an imaginative story, but rather a compelling collection of art journals

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Real Home

Real Home

Though many details have yet to be worked out, a move is imminent for us.  So we have decided to start the packing process, filling a box here or there each day.  We hope this will reduce the mad rush right before a moving date when piles of belongings get frantically and unsystematically stuffed into

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