Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

The Best Acoustics

The Best Acoustics

While Jessie and I were in the bathroom at Starbucks, my little lady was singing her heart out. “I like the way it sounds when I sing in here,” she stated, noting the fabulous bathroom acoustics.  A few seconds later she asked, “Hey mama!  Will you take a video of me singing?” “Okay, Jess,” I

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Snow White Dress

Snow White Dress

The other day, Jessie woke from her nap crying.  Seeing as this is quite uncharacteristic of her, I went up to her room to investigate. “What’s wrong, Sweet Pie?  Why are you crying?” In between her heavy sobbing she snorted, “I—I—I wish I—I—wish I had a Snow White dress!” Trying to keep from sniggering at

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Reader Question from Anonymous: Do you ever doubt God? Do I ever doubt God? All the time. I have so many doubts.  Sometimes my doubts are fundamental questions about whether God even exists.  Sometimes I doubt whether he intervenes in this world.  Sometimes I doubt whether he cares about me.  Sometimes I wonder whether Christianity

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Quindecennial Anniversary

Quindecennial Anniversary

Fifteen years.  Today is fifteen years since Drake and I stood at the altar, committing to walk through the ups and downs of life together ‘til death do us part.  I’ve read how the quindecennial anniversary marks preservation, longevity, and abundance.  It is intended to commemorate treasured time as it’s flying by with clarity and

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Our Home

Our Home

Last summer Drake and I were discussing our home when I mused, “I don’t know how I could ever leave this home when so many memories of Jud are connected to this place.  I’ll probably have to be forced out.” Little did I know as those words left my lips, circumstances leading up to that

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Where are you, God?

Where are you, God?

I open my eyes as widely as possible. But I can’t see you. I trust you’re there. But I can’t see you. I open my ears and listen carefully. But I can’t hear you. I trust you’re speaking. But I can’t hear you. I reach out my hand to touch you. But I can’t feel

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Your Gold Star

Your Gold Star

Dear Reader, If you are still with me after an almost 6 month hiatus, then you deserve a gold star! I have decided it is time to pick up the figurative pen and paper to start blogging again.  As the new year commences, it seems a fitting time to re-engage. When I chose to take

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