Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Reduced to Hypothetical

Reduced to Hypothetical

I was hit with the sobering reality that my life with my boy, here on earth, other than memories, has now been completely reduced to the realm of hypothetical.  Enough time has passed to know that Judson’s appearance, thoughts, desires, and pleasures would have changed and developed significantly in these two years and I am

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Pixie Fairy

Pixie Fairy

We had the sweetest little pixie fairy grace our lives today. Spreading pixie dust. This face reminds me of her brother. Who knew that pixie fairy dresses had such a great twirl-factor?!?? Trick-or-treating is always better with cousins!! Someone there? Even pixie fairies have to take time out when nature calls. On a day full

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Blanket of Comfort

Blanket of Comfort

It was around the age of one when we decided to wean Judson from his pacifier by poking holes in the end.  In an effort to provide a substitute item of comfort, I went to the fabric store and selected a nice, masculine-looking fleece and proceeded to lovingly make multiple blankets for Jud by cutting

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Splintered by the Separation

Splintered by the Separation

I never imagined such an innocuous utterance could become such an intense trigger for sorrow. I have recently discovered that the word “together” is eliciting extreme emotion in my heart, especially when heard in the context of family.  With the forthcoming holidays, people speak a great deal about being together with family.  The concept settles

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Astonishment At Every Breath

Astonishment At Every Breath

I expect every parent has a sense of awe and wonder when they watch their child maneuver through life.  From the day both Jud and Jessie were born I have been amazed by the miracle of life, the development of character and strength in these little ones, and the gift of parenting. But yesterday, as

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Calm My Heart

Calm My Heart

My hubby, with foresight and wisdom, planned for the two of us to get away to the mountains this weekend and stay in his friend’s cabin.  I have been able to breathe the crisp mountain air, enjoy a view of the valley below, hear the birds chirp in the evergreens, and sit in the sun

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Still Need Tending

Still Need Tending

Saturday evening the three of us took a little outing to the local pumpkin patch with Drake’s sister, Danielle, and her family.  The kids had an especially fun evening playing in the bounce houses, riding tractors, and feeding animals in the petting zoo.  Before heading home we took advantage of the opportunity for some festive

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Much to my chagrin, Jessie is a shopper.  She loves to shop!  Since I tend to shop only out of absolute necessity, Jessie doesn’t get the chance to shop as much as she might desire. The other day, the zipper on my purse broke and the fabric tore, so shopping became inevitable to find a

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