Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Accentuates the Light

Accentuates the Light

The perception may be that a person who has been walking in the dark challenges of life might see almost everything through a dim lens, but I have actually discovered the opposite to be true.  Though one’s days may be filled with pain and sorrow, the aspects of life that provide light have the opportunity

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Kernel of Wheat

Kernel of Wheat

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”—John 12:24 When a passage of Scripture is personally and directly brought to my attention repeatedly in less than 24 hours, it would be reckless for

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I Miss You, Juddy!

I Miss You, Juddy!

Dear Jud, I took Jessie to coffee today.  I wish I could have taken you with us.  There was a spot on the couch just for you. The fact is, there will always be an empty spot.  There will always be someone missing without you here, no matter how complete life might otherwise feel.  And

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Two Whole Years

Two Whole Years

My Dear Jud Bud, I’m sitting here in your bean bag chair trying to remember what it felt like to embrace your young body, to have your head find rest on my chest as I stroked your soft blonde hair and smelled your sweet breath.  You feel so far away.  Those bleakly surreal moments when

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Two Years Without Jud

Dear family and friends… Today marks two years.  Two years without our beloved son.  Two years of mourning.  Two years of longing.  Two years of heartache. The day Judson died we could not imagine surviving two years without our Juddy…we could not imagine making it even one day without our boy.  But here we are,

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Predominant Wish

Predominant Wish

I imagine for most of the millions and millions of people who visit the Happiest Place on Earth each year they probably walk right past the Wish Lounge door without even noting its existence, unless maybe they wind up at the first aid station wondering with curiosity where the adjacent door leads.  However, we became

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True Celebration

True Celebration

November 4, 2007 November 7th will always be a very dark day for our family.  Though Judson was set free from his affliction two years ago on the 7th, my heart recalls his suffering, the manner in which his life was ripped from us, the relinquishment of hope for his healing, the utter brokenness over

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Judson’s Legacy

Judson's Legacy

Dear family and friends… Many who read these updates were journeying and praying for our family during Judson’s illness, crying out to God with us for healing.  God did not heal our son.  But in the process, he is giving us a ministry of comfort to those who suffer. This update is to ask you

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