Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Wasn’t There

Wasn't There

With wonder, longing, and tears streaming down my face, I found myself looking for Judson this morning in the faces of all the children singing Christmas carols at our church. He wasn’t there.

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Poetic Foreshadowing

Poetic Foreshadowing

In January 2007 I purchased a “just because” card for Drake and wrote a long note to him as I sat on one of our local beaches, shivering in the evening mist on a cold winter night, but mesmerized by the beauty.  On the front of the card was a gorgeous snowscape with a quote

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Sometimes, with certain experiences in life it is a gift to not fully know what you are getting into until you’re actually in it.  Otherwise, you might run the other direction. I had the opportunity to volunteer on Saturday to help with a charity event that provides clothes for impoverished children in honor of a

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Book Signing Recap

Book Signing Recap

Dear family and friends, Going into Tuesday night’s book signing at Starbucks near our home in Costa Mesa, we didn’t know what to expect—it was the first book signing for Eyes that See and full of apprehension for Christina.  Even though book-signings are an expectation from the publisher, it felt like a risk and we

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Jolly Ol’ St. Nick

Jolly Ol' St. Nick

Jessie was a total champ during her visit to see Santa today. We were the first in line for an exclusive Costa Mesa MOMS Club Santa event at South Coast Plaza and as Jessie was walking the path toward the man in the red suit and spotted his smile she began blowing him kisses.  He

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And the Recipients are…

And the Recipients are...

Thank you to everyone who posted a comment on my 500th blog.  I am always grateful whenever I discover a new comment for something I have written and it was especially fun to put so many names in a bowl for the drawing. Drake had the privilege of drawing the names of the two recipents. 

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Trimming Jud’s Tree

Trimming Jud's Tree

Though we have still have yet to purchase our Christmas noble fir, Jessie and I finished decorating our home for the season this morning which included trimming Judson’s little tree.  With every ornament Jessie placed on the tiny fake pine, she exclaimed, “I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!  I love you, Juddy!”

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