Judson's Legacy

Christina Levasheff

The Tough Questions

The Tough Questions

In losing her brother at the mere age of one, Jessie’s journey of grief has been especially unique; she has slowly come into realizations about Judson’s death as her understanding of the world has expanded. And with each new revelation a new layer…

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Double Digits

Double Digits

Dear Judson…

It’s hard for me to believe you would be turning ten years old today. It’s such a milestone birthday! But you’re not here.

It’s been so long since you were here. It’s been so long since I got to see you blow out your candles, open gifts, and eat your favorite meal. In fact, I don’t even know what you’d…

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I Can Do This

I Can Do This

Dear Sweet Man…

Have I really survived seven years without you? The other day, as I was thinking about the 7th anniversary of your death, I was surprised to feel a jolt of encouragement. Seven years feels like a really long time. And it has been a long time. But I was overcome by the thought that if I can live seven years in your absence, surely I can…

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Common Conundrum

Common Conundrum

Yesterday was the first day of school for our daughter Jessie. So much eagerness, excitement, and anxiety filled the days, hours, and seconds leading up to the moment our little lady walked through the doors of her new classroom with an unknown teacher, ready to engage all the unfamiliarness…

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Repeat Their Folly

Repeat Their Folly

The other day I was cleaning our patio, which lead me to rearrange the table and chairs. We had Judson’s windchime hanging from a nail off a short awning, along with a couple little birdhouses. After making some adjustments, the windchime was no longer centered over the patio table the way I prefer it. But I realized if I switched the windchime and one of the birdhouses to opposite nails, everything would be aligned perfectly.

As I was rehanging the chime with my left hand, I suddenly jumped and screamed…

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Torrential Tear-Fall

Torrential Tear-Fall

For several days now, I’ve felt as though I’ve been on the verge of a torrential tear-fall; as if dark ominous clouds have been looming, foreshadowing a downpour. I’ve encountered and engaged circumstances that could collectively add to the possibility of a groundswell, but none of them seem to…

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