Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

One Life

One Life

  Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only those things done for Christ will last.                                                     —Author unknown I’ve gone through life taking things as they come.  I’ve been

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  I really enjoyed teaching yesterday at Grace Fellowship  Church (our home church).  It was nice to unexpectedly see some old friends there, too.  What a blessing! Here’s a link to the message, which is entitled, “Barnabas: A Good Man, Full of the Holy Spirit.” http://www.gracefellowshipchurch.org/_sermons/gfc20080727-message.mp3 In light of what Acts says, do you think

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Another Symbol

Another Symbol

We got a new (well, used but new to us) couch the other day, and after moving our previous, super-stained couch out of the living room into the garage and filling the empty space with our up-dated leather sofa, I plopped myself onto its cow-skinned cushions and a sense of sadness unexpectedly came over me.

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“Judson Working?”

While driving in the car yesterday evening, Jessie randomly blurted out, “Daddy’s Dake.” “That’s right, Jessie, daddy is Drake,” I affirmed, then asked, “And what’s mommy’s name?” aware that she knew the answer, but wanting to hear her little voice articulate it. “Mommy’s Kisstina,” she responded as if that was a silly question. “Well done,

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All Things for Good

All Things for Good

  I have been grappling, for quite some time, with the passage of Scripture that includes Romans 8:28 which states that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purposes. All things?!!!?!  I certainly love Him and definitely feel called to His purposes, but how

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  I’m excited to preach again at our home church (Grace Fellowship  Church) this Sunday, 7/27.  The sermon will be about “Barnabas, A Good Man, Full of the Holy Spirit” from Acts 11:22-26. In case anyone’s interested, here’s the link to my last sermon from January on prayer:http://www.gracefellowshipchurch.org/_sermons/gfc20080113-message.mp3  

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On Display

On Display

Seeing as I enjoy photography, I decided to submit some of my amateur photographs to the Orange County Fair; I was pleased when two of them were accepted as entries. Today I had the chance to go and view them on display in the Fine Arts building on the fairgrounds. My first entry, entitled “The

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Miserably Flat

Miserably Flat

We have had many people comment to us about how well we have been keeping Jud’s memory alive, and we are grateful for this…But for me personally, I have been finding that everything we do in memoriam of Jud, as awesome as it may be, falls miserably flat for me. Why? Because, though the memories

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