Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

As Best I Know How

As Best I Know How

So how do you include a brother, who now lives in heaven, in the 2nd birthday celebrations of his little sister? I don’t know, but I made an effort to do so yesterday. It is uncommon for me to take Jessie along when I visit Judson’s gravesite, but I made an exception for her b-day

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Little Hostess

Little Hostess

Jessie is turning TWO on the 19th of this month!!! We had a little party at a local park yesterday to celebrate her life in the company of some friends.  She had a fantastic time playing at the playground, eating cupcakes, opening presents and then playing with her loot (she was certainly blessed with some

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Lying Undetected

Lying Undetected

I have really made an effort to prepare myself, as much one can, for the wave of emotions that tend to hit on anniversaries surrounding Jud.  I don’t necessarily know how I might feel those days, but I have consciously thought about the possibility of their impact before the occasion, and tried to carve out

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Tales of Pig Tails

Tales of Pig Tails

Jessie is at an age where almost every day is full of firsts.  However, I would say that few little girls have to wait until they’re almost two before they get to wear… Pig Tails! So at the prompting of many, I finally decided to try and put pig tails in Jessie’s hair.  Low and

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Jessie-isms: 1st Installment

Jessie-isms: 1st Installment

Here are some recent Jessie-isms: 1)  While eating peas at dinner, out of the blue Jessie declared, “Peas are like balls!” 2)  After I put Jessie down for a nap, I could hear her on the monitor saying, “Obey Minnie.  You need to obey,” to her stuffed Minnie Mouse that she had taken to bed

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Reaching Through the Slats

Reaching Through the Slats

This morning I woke to Jessie’s little voice on the monitor crying, “I can’t get it!  I can’t get it!  I need help!  I want it, Mommy!  Help me, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase!  I want it!  I can’t get it!” I looked on the video monitor and saw her reaching her arm through the slats in her crib,

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The other day I was, once again, crying alone in my car—really letting it out.  I happened to glance through my tear flooded eyes at the car on my right.  There were five men and women about my age who were heartily laughing together and appeared to be having a really great time. At first

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9 Months without Jud

Dear family and friends, As of today, it’s been nine months…we’ve been without Jud for 9 long months, and we miss him SO much!!  To many it may seem as though time has flown by, but each day can still feel like an eternity when we’re itching to be reunited with our “Mr. Man.” Interestingly,

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