Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy



My Dear Buddy Boo, Here it is your birthday…again. And you’re not here…again. The truth is, I feel a little weary of celebrating your birthday without you. All the excitement and energy a young child has in the events marking another year of life, all the marveling parent’s do over the growth that has occurred

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Judson’s 9th Birthday

Judson's 9th Birthday

Judson would be turning nine years old this Christmas Eve. Judson’s Legacy celebrates his short life and the impact he has made, while we deeply grieve his absence. You are super loved, Jud Bud!

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It’s LIVE!

Welcome to the all new JudsonsLegacy.org! Over the last year Judson’s Legacy has undergone re-branding and a complete web overhaul to better refelct the mission of our organzation. And after all the love, sweat, and tears involved in the process, we are excited the site is finally LIVE! We hope you will take the time to look

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Six Years Without Jud

Dear Judson, Life without you is now my familiar (just the idea of that is so crushing) and yet everything about living without you feels foreign, something to which I cannot become accustomed. When you died six years ago the world didn’t notice.  Everything kept moving as if nothing had happened. You weren’t a famous

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I was gazing at your sister, Marveling at the recent explosion Of sun-kissed spots on her nose. Some tiny. Some full. Soft brown drops of pigment Sprinkled across her lightly-tanned face, Adding subtle character. So delicate. So real. The story of her life Unfolding in a distinct pattern On the canvas of her skin. So

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Against All Odds

Everyone loves a story of triumph; the story where a person, having endured every imaginable obstacle, perseveres to the finish….against all odds. This is our story of triumph. Eight and a half years ago, while I was in the hospital for severe pre-term labor with Judson, petrified that our child was going to arrive precariously early, Drake

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My Outburst

The other day as I was washing dishes alone in the house, I found myself shouting at God, “I don’t feel your love!” In a volcanic outburst, I exclaimed with hot tears of brokenness, “I know you’re loving.  I trust that you’re loving. But right now I don’t feel your love!  Where are you?  Why

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