Judson's Legacy

Judson’s Legacy

Play Therapy

Play Therapy

It’s becoming clear to me why “play therapy” can be such a powerful tool for understanding the mind and emotions of a young child. Many times I have sheepishly noticed how the manner in which Jessie “parents” her dolls gives pretty rich insight into our parenting methods; sometimes I look on with great pride, while

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Circle of Influence

Circle of Influence

A young, 11-year-old girl, Sarah White, contacted me a little while ago and informed me that she had discovered Judson on YouTube and was so moved by him that she wrote a paper about Jud for school.  She shared about our boy and Krabbe disease with her classmates which led some of her peers to

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Thankful Thursday Week #15

Thankful Thursday Week #15

This week has proved to be one of numerous blessings, coming on the heels of a week that had been especially difficult. 1.  I was thankful for the opportunity to be ridiculous and silly with some of my friends last Friday, getting dressed up in costumes and being audience participants for the show “Let’s Make

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Birthday Wish

Birthday Wish

Today is my birthday and the greatest gift I could have received after the distribution mishap last week was to have Eyes that See finally available nationwide. Well, I got my birthday wish! My publisher called this morning and said that the kink in distribution has been worked out.  The ball is moving again and

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Thankful Thursday Week #14

Thankful Thursday Week #14

This has been a really rough week for me, and it is especially times such as this where the discipline of gratitude becomes all the more essential to change the posture of my heart from disgruntled to contentment. As I have been reflecting on the week and all things sweet, my mind keeps going straight

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Today marks 29 months since Judson died.  Why is 29 months particularly notable? Judson lived 29 months before the onset of Krabbe disease…  29 months of untainted bliss with our son.  29 months of looking into his eyes and having him look back into mine.  29 months of holding his unbroken body.  29 months of

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