Judson's Legacy


Cling To What Is Good

Cling To What Is Good

The day of Jud’s emergency MRI. Today, June 13th, marks three years since I took Judson to our local medical center with concerns for his health; the words from the doctor still ring in my ears, “This is likely very serious.  We need to do an emergency MRI.” And from that moment our lives were

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Floating Silhouette

Floating Silhouette

What is it about butterflies that capture my heart unlike any other creature?  Is it the intricate beauty?  Is it the idea that they have emerged from dark cocoon to new life?  Is it that they dance through the air with such grace?  Is it their peaceful silence as they fly? I expect it is

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Khaki Sack

Khaki Sack

The last few days of Judson’s life he spent in our bean bag chair placed near the door in his room.  It had been a piece of furniture privileged to experience the laughter, smiles, and playfulness of our little boy as he would jump, climb, sit, roll, and sing cushioned in its comfort like an

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