Judson's Legacy

loss of a loved one

Twelve Years

Judson & Mommy

Dear Jud Bud… I find myself longing for a new photograph of the two of us together. Longing. And longing. And longing. But there are none. Nor will there be. I repeatedly gaze at the same handful of pictures of you and me…I’ve been staring at these same ones for twelve years now. It’s heartbreakingly

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United with Him

United with Him

Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This is the foundation of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection of Jesus, our faith is impotent and futile. But because Jesus is alive, having conquered death, we are invited into life-giving relationship with him…now…

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Floating Silhouette

Floating Silhouette

What is it about butterflies that capture my heart unlike any other creature?  Is it the intricate beauty?  Is it the idea that they have emerged from dark cocoon to new life?  Is it that they dance through the air with such grace?  Is it their peaceful silence as they fly? I expect it is

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