Judson's Legacy

With Me


The other day I was driving by a park I had visited just one time and began recalling a sweet memory of Jud and Jessie playing in that location — I remembered them climbing, sliding and laughing together.  

Yet, as I explored the memory further in my mind, I realized the timing of my visit to that location could not have occurred while Jud was alive; it had to be after he died.  And, in fact, Jessie and Jud never actually had the chance to climb and slide together because Jess was so young.  But my memory of them both playing there was so strong.

It startled me.  How could his presence feel so real in that memory but he wasn’t there?  And then it hit me…I carried Jud so significantly in my heart to that place, that it was as if he was there with us — we were still making memories together.

I suddenly felt a rich sense of comfort. 

As we finish packing to start a new chapter of making new memories in a new home, I am deeply comforted to know that Jud is indeed with me in all my moments and my memories will continue to be filled with the presence of my sweet, little man.

Categories: general life, Judson, grief

7 Responses to "With Me"

  1. Jen says:

    What a wonderful gift that God has given you to be able to recall memories of Jud in a real lifelike manner so many days removed from his actual physical presence!

  2. Robyn Morton says:

    Isn’t God wonderful? I think he was giving you a reminder that no matter where you go, Jud (and God) will be right there with you, as you make new memories in new places! Thinking of you with so much love! Blessings.

  3. Your right he is always with you. He is in everything you do. Such a sweet spirit can never be lost or forgotten. I hope as you begin this new journey in your new home. Your sense of his presence is ever present. The love between a mother and a child surpasses all. God bless you, Drake, and Jessie and of course much <3 to you all as well.

    Jamie Lynn

  4. Rebekah says:

    Amen! This is so sweet, Christina!

  5. Angie Green says:

    Dear "Mother Like Me" – I can so relate to your experience of sensing that Jud is ever with you – – we are a part of them, they are a part of us, and though they are not right here with us, we are connected and we know our children live on IN Christ Jesus!

    I have had similar experiences since Kevin stepped into Eternity, sometimes more than others it seems as though he is just in another room.

    Thanks for continuing to share your heart, as you continue to journey through grief, your thoughts and experiences are full of God’s wisdom and are a blessing!

    Love and Hugs, Angie

  6. Edwin Mays says:

    Awesome in every way.. We as humans all go through this but as people just never get the time to indulge in this. Whether it be a sound a smell or even a color that unlocks the threshold to our memories we are just so tied up in other things. Memories like yours are what keep us in believing that life is not just a waste and there are no regrets in our decisions to be who we are.. Best wishes..

  7. Marge Jones says:

    I periodically visit your blog, and am always blessed. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! Looking forward to visiting with you in Glory someday!!

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