Judson's Legacy

Slipping Through My Fingers

Today is exactly one year from the morning we had our Neuro-Genetics Clinic where they sat us around a conference table and proceeded to tell us that Judson had a leukodystrophy (though they did not know which one), and from my research, I knew this equaled “terminal”.

I sat there holding my beautiful, bright, vibrant, beloved boy as he played with his green pick-up truck on the laminate pine table top and suddenly felt as though he was slipping through my fingers, and as much I tried, I couldn’t hold on to him.

And for almost four months I continued to try to hang on to my boy…but he kept slipping through my fingers…until one wretched Wednesday in November he slipped out my grip completely.

When I think back to the word “terminal” floating around in my mind last year, I recall sitting on the stairs of our home retching and throwing up as the thoughts of losing Jud plagued me.  It was too much to bear!!!

But I had no choice-I had to bear it!  I had to face the reality of the path being laid before me.  I also recognized my desperate need to cling to the One telling me He would not give me more than I can bear.

And something happened.

As Jud began slipping through my fingers, the fingers of my Heavenly Father intensified their grip on me.  My Father held me more tightly as I had to hold Jud more loosely.

I am broken over having to let go of my Juddy, but I am grateful that God has not let go of me!

3 Responses to "Slipping Through My Fingers"

  1. Christie says:

    As one who has questioned my faith in my own easy times, while watching the hard times of others, I have feared what would happen if I went through tragedy. Would I turn from my God? Thank you for sharing how God held you in the hardest times imaginable.

  2. 33886 says:

    I was so moved by this entry. God is so very real and His hand is strong and mighty.

  3. Linda says:

    I am sitting in a library in England, trying desperatly not to sob after reading this entry…

    As Jud began slipping through my fingers, the fingers of my Heavenly Father intensified their grip on me. My Father held me more tightly as I had to hold Jud more loosely.

    I have always wondered how I would, or will react, when I am really put to the test. Christina, thank you for making this so clear to me! What an amazing way to put it, the Lord will grip me tighter as I loosen my grip on whatever I am trying to hold on to. You have such an amazing talent with your writing, I hope you realize how many people’s lives you have touched. I for one am humbled.

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