Judson's Legacy

Road Trip

I’ve never been much of a fan of road trips.  I know there are many who adore lengthy, prolonged treks in the car, but just the idea of taking hours in a vehicle as a means to arriving at a desired destination feels like drudgery to me.

This speaks to a prevalent trait in my character—I am not process-oriented, but rather outcome-oriented.  Though I am tenaciously driven, sadly, I tend not to take the time to enjoy the course of action required to meet my goals, I just want to experience the outcomes.  And though the results may be positive, I miss out on the good that can be discovered along the way.

Judson was much better at appreciating the process than I.  I remember when we used to take road trips to Ventura (this 2 hour trip constitutes a road trip for me), he would be extremely excited with anticipation of seeing his Grammy and Papa when we arrived, but he also enjoyed the drive.  He would gaze out the window looking for “tanker trucks” and “double-tanker trucks”, pointing out oddly shaped buildings, noting funny things on billboard signs, listening to music, declaring, “That motorcycle was loud!” and chatting up a storm.  Meanwhile, my mind was simply intent on “getting there”.

This is a character flaw.  Life is process.  Birth is the beginning, death is the end, and everything in between is the process of becoming.

I have such a strong desire to “arrive” today.  I want to be whole now—not at the end of my lifetime.  And what I have most recently come to realize is how much I don’t like the process of grief.  Of course I know it is essential to walk through it, but so often, I just want to be at the end…I want to be on the shore with my boy (see “The Rip Tide” from 12/1/2008).  Grief is a really, really long, tumultuous road trip; I have a hard time seeing my destination and I’m also finding it difficult to appreciate the journey.  Daily I cry out wishing I wasn’t on the road of grief.

With grief and every other aspect of life, if I continue to be so focused on outcomes, I will miss out on important life that can be experienced in the process.

Lord, please help me appreciate each moment without driving headlong through them.  Help me be aware of the life you have for me today, instead of only looking ahead.  Please help me live fully in my grief.

4 Responses to "Road Trip"

  1. kristy says:

    A great message for us all. Thanks, friend, for sharing your heart. 🙂

  2. Jean and Gary says:

    You’re so right about…"if I continue to be so focused on outcomes, I will miss out on important life that can be experienced in the process".
    You need to enjoy every day with Jessie.I bet Judson
    would want the same thing for you….love your heart.
    I am so sorry that this part of your journey is so hard.We love you all so much!!!!!!!
    Jean and Gary

  3. 55674 says:

    "Birth is the beginning, death is the end, and everything in between is the process of becoming." I could’t agree more. Let’s cherish every moment in our life. Best wishes for you~!

  4. debbie mceachern says:

    As a mother who also lost her little boy I am reminded that I have another child who has a whole life ahead of him and deserves a happy mom. Thank you for expressing what is in your heart. I know your heart hurts-mine does too, but we can also feel blessed to have known our little boys.

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