Judson's Legacy

First Day of Kindergarten


Jessie had a wonderful first day of kindergarten.  She started out the day with tremendous enthusiasm and came home even more excited.  She emerged from her classroom announcing that she loved it and told everyone she spoke with how school is awesome!

Ready for a new adventure.

It’s a BIG day for the whole family!

Proud Mommy

Proud Daddy

Our dear friends and neighbors (see lost wallet story) have adopted Jess into their family and it melted my heart to see them walk to school together hand-in-hand.

Jess already loves her teacher!

Time to go in!

A little lunchbox message made with Schoolhouse cookies.

Jessie didn’t end up in the same class with any of her friends, but she spent the break eating with her buddy, Gage.

Jessie has known Emma all her life.  They are both kindergarteners at the same school and will see each other every day.

Last night as we were putting Jessie to bed, she said, “You know that picture of me with my teacher?  Can we make a card with that picture?  I want it to say that I am excited about kindergarten and I want to draw something for her.”

Alas, Jess woke this morning infused with more enthusiasm and meticulously made this precious card for her teacher.  

Front of Card

Inside of Card

Back of Card

Just as excited on Day 2!

9 Responses to "First Day of Kindergarten"

  1. Ken says:

    Deasr Jessie, I’ve probably said this before but you lighten my life each

  2. Pat Roberts says:

    To our dear friends
    What a tremendous milestone for our little girl and what lovely photographs to celebrate this very special day. You are in our hearts always.
    Pat xxxxxx

  3. Kristy says:

    So Jessie had Miss mary teaching her?!?! Excellent! Her son was on Cade’s baseball team this past spring. Nice lady–Jessie’s in good hands!


  4. Amy Dresher says:

    I am so glad to hear that Jessie had such a fabulous first day of kindergarten! I cannot believe how much she has grown and changed since we met you not even a year and a half ago. Carson also started kindergarten this year and it has left me with an empty house, it is bittersweet watching them grow up!

  5. DAVID N. says:

    Where does the time go..Great job Princess. And I bet you made a new friend in school. Take care and be safe.

  6. She is an angel! What a beauty and a sweetheart. Glad she had such a wonderful first day!

    Sandy Mitchell

  7. Just love this…it brings back so many memories. She is such a treasure. Does she go all day?
    Jessie,so glad you like school; and are having so much fun!!!!!
    Love and hugs to out little ladybug~
    Jean and Gary

  8. Betsy Parker says:

    How time flies! I am absolutely thrilled that Jessie is so enthusiastic about school. It doesn’t surprise me, as she takes after both her parents. It is nice to be updated on the Levasheff family. Unfortuately, sometimes it seems it was yesterday when Drake was going to school. Cheers and God bless.

  9. Teri says:

    Such beautiful pictures! My oldest just turned four and I am already anticipating this day. Thank you for the reminder that I need to let go and trust as well as cherish. I am so glad you are blogging. Your writing is beautiful and a gift. Look forward to reading about so many new adventures! God Bless.

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